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Full text of "The registers of Beer Hackett, Dorset. From 1549 to 1812"

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3  1833  00724  4574 

Beer  Ibackett,   SJorset. 



PRINTED      BY      HLD&ON      AND     SON,      EDMIND     STREET. 


FROM      1549     TO     181 2. 

1  RAXSCRIF.Fi)    BV 


WITH     Tin:     PKRMISSIOX     OF 

The    Rev.    WILFRED    ROXBY,     B.A. 

KhLlOK    OK    TiiORNtuUD    AND    liHK     HAlKKTT. 


PR!^^v^l•LV   PRiNTKn    for   twv.    parish    r1':gistk] 





The  Registers  of  Beer  Racket,  or  Bere  Hacket,  to  the  year  1812 
are  contained  in  three  volumes,  the  first  of  which  commences  in 
1549.  On  the  outside  of  the  original  cover  of  Vol.  I  is  inscribed  the 
following : — 

"The  Register  Booke  of  the  Parish  of  Berehackette 
"  for  Christenings,  VVedings  and  burialls  from  t'ne  yeare  of 
"our  Lord  God,  ,549."  13531 'l(J 

"  Newelye  written  in  the  yeare  of  our  Lord  God 
"  1600,  Robert  Pomerye  and  John  Bauller  being  then 
"  Churchwardens." 

This  Register  as  it  now  exists  was  made  in  accordance  with  the 
ordinance  made  in  Convocation  on  the  25th  October,  1597,  which 
enjoined  that  the  old  registers  on  paper  should  be  fairly  and  legibly 
written  out  into  a  parchment  book.  Vol.  I  measures  17^  in.  long 
by  8  in.  wide,  and  is  made  of  parchment,  and  contains  14  folios 
(28  pages).  The  entries  are  perfect  from  1549  to  1630.  Then  follows 
three-quarters  of  a  page  containing  entries  for  1640,  '41,  '42,  '46,  '47, 
without,  however,  any  apparent  omissions.  Then  comes  a  break  till 
1658,  from  which  date  it  is  continuous  to  1672,  when  there  is  another 
gap  till  1696;  from  this  date  to  1707  it  is  perfect,  then  occurs  a  gap 
between  1707  to  1725,  from  which  date  to  the  end  of  the  volume  in 
1745,  it  is  perfect.  In  1895  ^^is  volume  was  carefully  mended  and 

Vol.  II  is  likewise  a  parchment  book,  containing  56  pages,  bound 
in  whole  calf,  and  measuring  i2}{'m.  by  7^in.  Pages  i  to  3  contain 
Burials,  1773-181 2.  Pages  33  to  39  contain  Baptisms,  1 773-181 2. 
Page  55  contains  the  dates  on  which  the  copies  of  the  Register  were 
sent  up  to  the  visitations  held  at  Sherborne.  Pages  4-32,  40-54 
and  56  are  blank. 

Beer  Hackctt  ReHstcr. 

The  title  of  the  book,  written  inside  the  cover,  is  : — 

"  Beer   Hackett  Register,    in   the  County  of  Dorset,   in 
'•the  peculiar  jurisdiction  of  the  Dean  of  Sarum." 
Vol.  Ill  is   the  usual   folio  book   for  Marriages  from  1757  to  1812, 
and  contains  44  entries. 

The  following  list  of  Patrons  and  Rectors  is  taken  from    Hutchin's 

"  History  of  Dorset,' 
Canon   Mayo  : — 

Silvester  Everard. 

Thomas   Downton. 

Vol.  IV,   page  120,  with  some  additions  by  Rev. 


Thomas  Freeman  exchanged  with 

Robert  Eye  (or  Yli  or  Yke)  rector  01  Hasilbury 
Brian,  instituted  to  the  rectory  of  the  cape/la 
curata  of  Bere  Racket,  in  the  jurisdiction 
of  the  Abbot  of  Sherborne,  4  Aug.,  1397, 
exchanged  with 

Stephen  Frogmere,  Rector  of  Lazarton  (anciently 
a  distinct  parish,  but  united  in  143 1  with 
Stour  Payne),  instit.  16  Dec,  1399.  He 
occurs  in  Dean  Chandler's  Register  in  1405. 

Nicholas  Shudde,  1408. 

Amias  Himyngame,  buried  30  Dec,  1549. 

Henry  Smith,  instit.  1549,  buried  24  May,  1561. 

William  Andrews,  died  1576. 

John  Downton,  instit.  22  March,  1576,  buried 
—  Jan.,  1625. 

Richard  Jefferyes,  instit.  1625. 

Henry  Browne,  instit.  1636. 

Hugh  Strode,  instit.  1637,  sequestered  by  the 
Parliamentary  Committee. 

Thomas  Browne,   intruder,  officiated   1649  ^"d 
*/afne5  Pope,  1650,  also  an  intruder, 

Francis  Murrall,  presented  5  July,  1658,  on 
cession  of  the  last  incumbent  (Lambeth, 
MSS.,  No.  1587). 

*  The  return  of  "The  Commission  to  inquire  of  Church  Livings  in  the  County  of 
Dorset,  13  Die  Novembris,  1650,"  is  thus  worded  :  — "  Beer  Hackwood  {sic).  Wee 
have  one  parsonage  and  one  Prebend.  The  Parsonage  worth  /40  p.  annum  and 
the  Prebend  worth  £\o.  Mr.  Pope,  a  preaching  Minister,  supplies  the  Cure  and 
hath  the  profit  of  the  Parsonage  and  the  Earl  of  Bristow  hath  the  Prebend.  Wee 
have  a  very  titt  Church  conveniently  scituated.  We  have  noe  Chappels  to  be 
united  or  taken  away.  Wee  have  no  need  of  a  New  Church  to  be  built  or  our  Parish 

John  Strode. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

John  Strode, 

Ann  Lewys. 

John  Munden. 

Sir  John  Munden, 
and  W.  Helyar,  Esq. 

Rev.  A.  C.  Burnard. 

Robert  Duncan,  Esq. 


John  Duncomb,  instit.  15  Jan.,  1662,  died  1690. 

Haynes  Ryal  (or  Royal),  B.A.  (son  of  Henry 
Ryall  [or  Royall]  of  Sherborne)  Wadhani 
Coll.,  Oxford,  matric.  21  Mch.  16834, 
oet.  17,  B.A.  19  Mch.,  1687-8.  Instit.  i 
July,  1690,  Also  Rector  of  Thornford, 
buried  there  28  May,  1702. 

Henry  Emery*  or  Embris,  (son  of  Richard 
Emery  or  Embris  of  Blandford),  Wadham 
Coll.,  Oxford,  matric.  17  Dec,  1685,  cet.  18 
B.A.  from  New  Inn  Hall,  13  Mch.,  1689  90. 
Instit.  15  May,  1703,  Also  Rector  of 
Thornford,  died i743- 

Robert  Sampson  (son  of  Robert  Sampson  of 
Sherborne),  Queen's  Coll.,  Oxford,  matric. 
20  March,  1731-2,  oet.  j8,  B.A.  1735.  Instit. 
1743.  Also  Rector  of  Thornford,  buried 
there  1770. 

Robert  Sampson,  son  of  preceding,  Pembroke 
Coll.,  Oxford,  matric.  15  Mch.,  1763,  oet.  17, 
B.A.  1766. 

John  Munden,  LL.D.  (son  of  John  Munden  of 
Bere  Hacket).  Rector  and  Lord  of  the 
Manor,  1786.  He  was  also  Rector  ot 
Corscombe  in  this  country.  Died  1821, 
and  buried  at  Bere  Hacket. 

Hugh  Wdman  Helyar,  M.A.,  St.  John's  Coll., 
Cambridge,  instit.  1825  (?)  Also  Rector  of 
Sutton  Bingham,  co.  Som. 

Arthur  Chichester  Burnard,  B.A.,  Brazenose 
Coll.,  Oxford,  instit.  1877,  resig.  1883. 

Robert  James  Duncan,  M.A.,  Wadham  Coll., 
Oxford,  instit.  1883.  Died  7  Nov.,  1891, 
aged  42.  Buried  at  Bere  Hacket.  Was 
Rector  of  Grosmont,  co.  Mon.,  1874-1882. 

Wilfred  Roxby,  B.A.,  Emmanuel  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge, instit.  5  March,  1892.  Also  Rector 
of  Thornford. 


*  Previous  to  Jan.,  1731-2,  he  signs  the  Regist 
date  as  Heniy  Embria. 

r  as  Henry  Emery,    but  after  this 

Becre    IbacF^ettc, 

"llbC  IRCOiStCU  BOOkC  of  the  names  of  them  that  shalbe 
Christened  Married  and  buried  w'th  the  dayes  of  their  christeninge 
marryinge  and  buryinge  made  the  Eight  Day  of  August  in  the  yeare 
of  our  Lord  God  1549  in  the  Second  yeare  of  the  Reigne  of  Edward 
the  Sixth  Kinge  of  England  France  and  Ireland  defender  of  the 
Fayth  etc. 

Bub  IROW  in  tbe  J^ear  1600  and  in  the  yeare  of  the 
Reigne  of  our  Sov'aign  Ladie  Queen  Elizabeth  by  the  grace  of  God  of 
England  France  and  Ireland  ()ueen,  defender  of  the  fayth,  the  42 
trulie  taken  out  of  the  paper  Register  Booke  by  JObU  H)OWntOU 
person  of  the  psh  aforesaid  as  followeth ;  But  first  noate  that  the 
yeare  of  our  Lord  God  of  this  Register  booke  begineth  the  XXVth 
daye  of  March. 

Robert  BavUer  the  sonne  of  John  Bavller  was  baptized  8  August. 
John  Stooke  and  Alio  Dalye  the  daughter  of  John  Dallye  were  married 

7  September. 
AValter  Dowle  the  sonne  of  Willili  Dowle  was  baptised   10  October. 
HtU^aS  *lbiun\?0<m^^  p'sone  of  this  church  was  hurried  30  December. 
William  Panter  the  sonne  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptised  19  January. 
John  Newman  the  sonne  of  Willih  Newman  was  baptised  20  February. 
Marye  Churchouse  the  daughter  of    John   Churchouse   was   baptised 

29  Feb. 

John  Hawkings  was  buried  16  Maye. 

Edward  Dowle  the  sonne  of  VVillm  Dowle  was  baptised  5  June. 
James  Rawsonne  was  baptised  1 2  July. 
William  Rawsonne  was  buryed  25  October. 

William  Bavller  the  sonne  of  John  Bavller  the  younger  was  baptised 
5  February. 

(Signature  at  foot  of  page)  Arayas  Hiiiiingame. 
Henry  Smithe. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

r<^^^  ^  1552- 

Richard  Chaplin  was  maryed  {sic)  3  April). 
Hugh  Panter  the  sonne  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptised  29  June. 
Edward  Harrys  and  Anne  Churchouse  were  maryed  17  July. 
Thomas  Newman  the  sonne  of  Walter  Newman   was  buryed  10  August. 
Tobyas  Dowle  the  sonne  of  Willili  Dowle  was  baptised  20  Aug. 
Bridget  the  daughter  of  John  Churchouse  was  baptised  17  Decernl.ier. 
Thomas  Newman  the  sonne  of  Wilhh  Newman  was  baptised  15  January. 
I.  pott  was  maryed  to  Margret  Rawsonnes  28  Jan. 

Thomas  Master  was  maryed  to  Edith  Smynns  {sic)  8  Maye. 
Katherin  Potte  was  baptised  7  January. 
Joan  Bavller  the  daughter  of  John  BavUer  was  baptised  10  March. 

Alexander  Dowle  the  sonne  of  William  Dowle  was  baptised  14  February. 

Anne  Panter  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptised  19  Aprill. 
Edeth  Newman  the  daughter  of  William  Newman  was  baptised  14  Julye. 
Alice  Harris  was  baptised  17  August. 

Thomas was  baptised  30  February  {sic). 

William  Bavller  was  buryed  4  March. 

Johan  Master  was  baptised  i  April. 

Margaret  Panter  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptised  20  Julye. 
Walter    Churchouse    the    sonne   of  John    Churchouse    was  baptised   5 

William  Newman  the  sonne  of  Willm.  Newman  was  baptised  3  January. 
Edward  Lambert  the  son  of  Thomas  Lambert  was  baptised  13  February. 

John  Newman  thelder  was  buryed  20  Maye. 
Katherin  Panter  was  buryed  12  December. 

(Signature  at  foot)  Henry  Smithe. 
Page  3.     Original  paging  2. 
John  Tayler  was  buryed  13  December. 
John  Masters  was  buryed  16  Dec. 

Johan  Newman  was  buryed  12  June. 

Agnes  Bauller  the  daughter  of  John  Bauller  was  baptis.  19  Julye. 
Richard  Master  was  baptised  8  October. 

Katherin   Pomerye  the    daughter  of  Robte    Pomerye   was   baptised    4 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

Christopher  Moore  and  Margrett  Dowle  was  maryed  20  November. 
Thomas  Bauller  the  sonne  of  John  Bauller  was  baptised  24  Februarie. 
Edeth  Bauller  the  daughter  of  John  Bawller  was  baptised  idem. 

IbClltiC  SlUitbC  p'sonn  of  this  pish  was  buried  24  Maye. 
William  Moore  the  sonne  of  Christopher  Moore  was  baptised  9  June. 
Henry  Newman  the  sonne  of  Williii  Newman  was  baptised  26  June. 
Elizabeth  Rawsomes  was  buryed  28  June. 
Thomas  Bauller  the  sonn  of  John  Bauller  was  buryed  6  September. 

Raulfe  Potkine  and  AUis  Harris  ware  maryed  2  November. 
George  Harris  the  sonne  of  Edward  Harris  was  baptised  7  February. 

Margarett   Lambert  the  daughter   of   Thomas    Lambert    was    baptised 

3  June. 
Doraihye  Rawsome  the  daughter  of  Richard    Rawsome   was  baptised 

22  June. 
Bennet  Bauller  the  sonne  of  John  Bauller  was  baptised  4  September. 
William  Dowle  was  buryed  10  November. 

John  Latchmore  and  Margarett  Newman  were  maryed  21  January, 
Joane  servante  of  Thomas  Dowle  was  buryed  12  March. 

Samuell  Pomery  the  sonne  of  Robert  Pomery  was  baptised  5  June. 
(Signatures  at  foot)  Henry  Smithe, 

William  Androwes. 
Page  4. 
Elizabeth  Master  the  wyfe  of  Williii  Master  was  buryed  21  November. 
Joane  Hannam  and  John  her  sonne  were  buryed  14  January. 
Edward    Moore   the   sonne   of    Christopher   Moore   was   baptised    18 

Isable  Lambert  was  baptised  27  Feb. 

John  Newman  the  sonne  of  William  Newman  was  baptised  16  April. 
John  Bauller  the  sonne  of  John  Bauller  was  baptised  29  November. 
John  Pomerye  the  sonne  of  Robert  Pomerye  v/as  baptised  23  Februarie. 

Margerye  Moore  the  daughter  of  Xpofer  Moore  was  baptised  25  January. 

Joane  daughter  of  Robert  Dowle  was  baptised  18  Aprill. 

John  Newman  the  sonne  of  Willm  Newman  was  baptised  29  Aprill. 
Margery  Master  the  daughter  of  William  Master  was  baptised  15  July. 

Beer  Hackctt  Register. 

Thomas  Masson  was  baptised  10  October. 
John  Keytt  and  Dorothy  Newman  were  marled  16  Oct. 
Richard  Moore  the  sonne  of  Xpofer  Moore  was  baptised  8  Februarie. 

Elinour  Keate  the  daughter  of  John  Keate  was  baptised  28  June. 
Richard  Moore  was  buryed  27  August. 

Erne  Dowle  the  daughter  of  Robte  Dowle  was  baptised  20  September. 
AUis  Dowle  was  buryed  15  December. 

Margery  Master  the  daughter  of  Willih  Master  was  baptised  19  Dec. 
Margarett  Master  was  buryed  5  January. 

Philipp  Kymppe  was  buried  20  July. 

John  Moore  the  sonne  of  Christopher  Moore  was  baptised  31  October. 
Thomas  and  John  the  sonnes  of  Willm  Master  was  {sic)  baptised  30 

John  Masters  buryed  i  January. 
Thomas  Masters  buryed  2  January. 

Agnis  Kimpe  was  buryed  30  November. 

Ellinor  Masters  the  daughter  of  Willm  Masters  was  baptised  2  March 
(Signature  at  foot)  William  Androwes. 
Page  5.     Original  paging  3. 

Joane  Keate  the  daughter  of  John  Keate  was  baptised  i  April. 
Ideth  Write  the  daughter  of  Roger  Write  was  baptised  30  June. 
Idith  Gibbs  the  daughter  of  John  Gibbs  was  baptised  28  February. 

Phillip  Keate  the  sonne  of  John  Keate  was  baptised  4  September. 
Peeter  Clench  and  Margaret  Thorne  were  maryed  17  October. 
Dorethye    Pomery  the  daughter  of   Robert   Pomery  was  baptised    19 

John  Moore  the  sonne  of  Christopher  Moore  was  buryed  30  {sic)  February. 

Richard  Wright  the  sonne  of  Roger  Wright  was  baptised  3  June. 
Thomas  Master  the  sonne  of  Willm  Master  was  baptised  8  August 
^^  ll"(Il(Uiam    HnDrOWeS    pson    of  this   church  was    buryed   at 

Yetminster  5  October. 
Joane  Newman  was  buryed  18  Oct. 

Bridget  Gibbs  the  daughter  of  John  Gibbs  was  baptised  30  May. 
John  Keate  the  sonne  of  John  Keate  was  baptised  20  October. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

Edward  Whittell  and  Bridget  Churchouse  were  maryed  28  November. 

Joane  Dowle  was  buryed  14  Nov. 

James  Morrys  and  Elinor  Lambert  were  maryed  24  January. 

John  Ingelbert  was  buryed  16  August. 

William  Wright  the  sonne  of  Roger  Wright  was  baptised  5  January. 
Margery  Miller  the  daughter  of  John  Miller  was  baptised  14  Jan. 
Em  Keate  the  daughter  of  John  Keate  was  baptised  20  February. 

Joane  Masters  the  daughter  of  William  Masters  was  baptised  7  May. 
Thomas  Dowle  was  buryed  12  May. 

Robert  Pomery  the  sonne  of  Robert  Pomery  was  baptised  8  June. 
(Signatures  at  foot  of  page)  William  Androwes. 

John  Downton.  1 

Page  6. 
John  Churchouse  was  buryed  4  November. 
Elizabeth  Masters  was  buryed  23  November. 

William  Moore  was  buryed  23  May. 

John  Miller  the  sonn  of  Peeter  Miller  was  baptised  26  September. 
Robert  Saunders  and  Joane  Lambert  were  married  13  October. 
Hugh  Panter  was  buryed  6  January. 
Lionell  Miller  the  sonne  of  John  Miller  was  baptised  i  February. 

Richard  Keate  the  sonne  of  John  Keate  was  baptised  7  Aprill. 
John  Jeanes  the  sonne  of  Richard  Jeanes  was  baptised  29  Julye. 
Dorathie  Gibbs  the  daughter  of  John  Gibbs  was  baptised  30  July. 

Richard  Joyce  the  sonne  of  William  Joyce  was  baptised  7  Aprill. 
Elizabeth  Master  was  baptised  15  Aprill. 
Thomas  Stounte  was  buryed  18  December. 

Edward  Thomas  the  sonne  of  John  Thomas  was  baptised  2  Maye. 
Richard  Waters  and  Joane  Pomery  were  maried  18  Maye. 
Margaret  Panter  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptised  23  August. 
Em   Churchouse  the  daughter  of  John   Churchouse  was  baptised    31 

Henry  Keat  the  sonne  of  John  Keate  was  baptised  22  January. 
John  Gibbs  the  sonne  of  John  Gibbs  was  baptised  13  March. 

Joane  Smith  was  buried  23  May. 
Thomas  Bonfield  and  Ideth  Newman  were  maried  6  June. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

Henry  Keate  was  buryed  8  June. 
Margaret  Walters  was  baptised  12  June. 
Dorathie  Panter  was  baptised  26  January. 

Elizabeth  Bauller  was  buryed  20  December. 

Emine  Farre  the  daughter  of  Henry  Farre  was  baptised  29  October. 
Able  Churchouse  the  sonne  of  Robert   Churchouse  was  baptised  30 

Margarett  Cole  the  daughter  of  Andrew  Cole  was  baptised  14  December. 
(Signature  at  foot)  John  Downton. 
Page  7.     Original  paging  4. 
John  Clench  was  buryed  21  January. 
John  Newman  was  buryed  6  February. 

Elizabeth  Panter  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptisid  25  Feb. 
Edward  Waters  the  sonne  of  Richard  Waters  was  baptised  24  March. 

Samuell  Pomery  and  Emme  Barnard  were  maryed  3  November. 
Anthony  Hodges  and  Margaret  Lambert,  I  4  No 

Richard  Bearlye  and  Margaret  Panter  were  maried  J  "* 

Margaret  Gibbs  was  baptised  12  September. 
Robert  Pomery  was  baptised  14  Sept. 

Allis Churchouse  the  daughter  of  Robert  Churchouse  was  baptised  24  Dec. 
Margery  Pomery  was  baptised  1 1  January. 

Emme  Miller  the  daughter  of  John  Miller  was  baptised  24  May. 
Agnes  Chappell  was  buryed  24  March. 

Allis  Hill  was  buryed  19  Aprill. 
Thomas  Lambert  was  buryed  17  May, 

John  Miller  was  buryed  20  May. 

Grace  Panter  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptised  24  May. 
Thomas  Pomery  was  baptised  23  Aprill  (sic). 

William  Rowswell  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Rowswell  was  baptised  24  April. 
Ellin  Turke  was  buryed  10  May. 
Joane   Newman  the  daughter  of  Thomas  Newman   was   baptised    26 

John  Cobbe  the  sonne  of  Wilhh  Cobbe  was  baptised  the  3  March, 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

AUis  Newman  the  daughter  of  Henry  Newman  was  baptised  14  July. 

Mary  BauUer  the  daughter  of  John  Bauller  was  baptised  5  October. 
Thomas  Dowle  and  EUinor  Master  were  maryed  9  January. 

Hugh  Panter  the  sonne  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptised  2  May. 
Lyonell  Turke  and  Margaret  Churchouse  were  maryed  9  May. 
John  Gibbes  was  buryed  2  February. 

(Signature  at  foot)  John  Do\Y.ntO!i. 
Page  8. 

*Joane  Panter  was  buryed. 

*Richard  Dowle  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Dowle  was  baptised. 

*  Richard  Bauller  the  sonne  of  Bennett  Bauller  was  baptised. 
*EUinor  Gibbs  the  daughter  of  Robert  Gib!)S  was  baptised. 

*Martha  Bauller  the  daughter  of  John  Bauller  was  baptised. 

*  Lyonell  Turke  the  sonne  of  Lyonell  Turke  was  baptised. 
*John  Bauller  was  buryed. 

*[dith  Pannter  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Panter  was  baptised. 

*Joane  Churchouse  was  buryed. 

*Ursula  Newman  the  daughter  of  Henry  Newman  was  baptised. 

*James  Lester  and  Margaret  Clench  were  maryed. 
*vVilliam  Miller  and  Margaret  Speed  were  maryed. 
*Joane  Pomery  the  daughter  of  Samuel  Pomery  was  baptised. 
Edward  Moore  the  sonne  of  Edward  Moore  was  baptised  15  July. 
Christian  Churchouse  the  daughter  of  Robert  Churchouse  was  baptised 

I  August. 
Grace  Gibbs  the  daughter  of  Robert  Gibbs  was  baptised  4  January. 
Emme  Bauller  the  daughter  of  Bennett  Bauller  was  baptised  6  January. 
Margery    Newman  the   daughter   of    Thomas    Newman    was    baptised 

17  February. 
Joane  Lodge  was  buryed  3  March. 

Thomas  Turke  the  sonne  of  Lyonell  Turke  was  baptised  16  Maye. 
Anne  Bauller  the  daughter  of  John  Bauller  was  baptised  20  July. 
Dorathie  Dowle  the  daughter  of  Thomas  Dowle  was  baptised  24  August. 
Dorathie  Churchouse  was  buried  12  September. 

*A  strip   about    10  inches  long  having  been  cut  out   of  the  right   hand  side    of  ihij 
page,  the  days  of  the  month  cannot  be  given. 

Beer  Hackett  Recristcr. 

Emme  Newman  the   daughter  of    Henrie   Newman    was  baptised    29 

William  Masters  was  buried  6  June. 

George  Harris  the  sonne  of  George  Harris  was  baptised  20  December. 
Alice  Bauler  was  buried  18  Januarie. 

(Signature  at  foot)  John  Downton. 
Page  9.     Original  paging  5. 
John  Gibbs  the  son  of  Bridgett  Gibbs  was  baptised  28  February. 
Ursula  Gibbs  the  daughter  of  Robert  Gibbs  was  baptised  21  March. 
John    Churchouse    the  sonne    of    Robert    Churchouse    was    baptised 

24  March. 

John  Kinge  was  buried  10  April. 
Joane  Pomery  was  buried  12  April. 

Elinor  Bauler  the  daughter  of  Benett  Bauler  was  baptised  6  June. 
Elinor    Pomery   the   daughter    of    Robert    Pomery    was    baptised    29 

Robert  Panther  the  sonne  of  Hugh  Panther  was  baptised  28  Oct. 
Anne  Turke  the  daughter  of  Lionell  Turke  was  baptised  12  December. 
Grace  Hull  the  daughter  of  Thomas  Hull  was  baptised  26  December. 
William  Newman  was  buried  29  December. 

Grace  Bauler  the  daughter  of  John  Bauler  was  baptised  26  April. 
James  Masters  the  sonne  of  John  Masters  was  baptised  15  May. 
Henry    Masters    the    sonne    of    Thomas    Masters    was    baptised     27 

John  Collins  the  sonne  of  John  Collins  was  baptised  4  (month  illegible). 

William  Plarris  the  sonne  of  George  Harris  was  baptised  25  June. 
Susan    Newman   the    daughter   of    Henry    Newman    was    baptised    9 

Joane    Pomery   the    daughter    of    Robert    Pomery    was    baptised     16 

Christian  Bauler  the  daughter  of  Benett   Bauler  was  baptised  25  Nov- 

John  Strode  the  sonne  of  William  Strode  was  baptised  29  March. 
Alice  Turke  the  daughter  of  Lionell  Turke  was  baptised  21  May. 
William  Traske  and  Alice  Churchouse  were  married  15  Sept. 
George  Gibbs  the  sonne  of  Robert  Gibbs  was  baptised  8  Dec. 
John  Bauler  the  sonne  of  John  Bauler  was  baptised  16  February. 
(Signature  at  foot)  John  Downton. 
Page  10. 
Susan  Dowle  the  daughter  of  Thomas  Dowle  was  baptised  2  March. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

Roger  Gregorie  and  Jane  Masters  were  married  21  June. 
Thomas  Cleeves  and  Elizabeth  Masters  were  married  22  June. 
Jcane  Lodge  was  buried  29  June. 

John  Traske  the  sonne  of  William  Traske  was  baptised  13  July. 
Elinor  Newman  was  buried  17  October. 
Phillipp  Turke  was  buried  27  October. 

Scipio  Stuclie  the  sonne  of  Scipio  Stuclie  was  baptised  2  November. 
John  Pomery  the  sonne  of  Robert  Pomery  was  baptised  8  March. 

Ann  Newman  the  daughter  of  Henry  Newman  was  baptised  7  April. 
Magdalen    Masters    the   daughter   of  John    Masters    was   baptised     22 

Alice    Newman   the  daughter  of  Thomas   Newman    was    baptised    27 

Robert  Pomery  was  buried  28  December 
Joane  Wadlowe  was  buried  29  December. 
Ann  Turke  was  buried  8  January. 
Lionel!  Turke  was  buried  15  January. 
Emme  Turke  the  daughter  of  Lionel  Turke  was  baptised  3  March. 

William  Eauler  the  sonne  of  John  Bauler  was  baptised  17  April. 
Elizabeth  Dowle  the  daughter  of  Thomas  Dowle  was  baptised  9  October. 
George  Pomery  the  sonne  of  Robert  Pomery  was  baptised  22  January. 
Henry  Traske  the  sonne  of  William  Traske  was  baptised  S  February. 

Joane  Harrison  the  daughter  of  Lionell  Harrison  was  baptised   17  April. 
Robert  Bauler  was  buried  8  June. 

John  Masters  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Masters  was  baptised  20  August. 
Joane  Chamberlayne  was  buried  1  February. 

(Signature  at  foot)  John  Downton. 
Page  II.     Original  paging  6. 
Lewes  Harris  the  sonne  of  Edward  Harris  was  baptised  18  February. 

Marie  Newman  the  daughter  of  Henry  Newman  was  baptised  18  x^prill. 
John  Masters  was  buried  14  May. 
Jane  Farr  was  buried  18  May. 
Joane  Newman  was  buried  5  September. 
■Alice  Pomery  was  buried  8  September. 

Michael  Dewey  and  Margarett  Pomery  were  married  22  October. 
Thomas  Churchouse  was  buried  7  December. 
Walter  Shane  and  Elinor  Gillome  were  married  3  February. 
Basiil  Bauler  the  daughter  of  Bennett  Bauler  was  baptised  idem. 
Robert  Churchouse  the  sonne  of  Abell  Churchouse   was  baptised    1 7 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

Thomas  Masters  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Masters  was  baptised  i  April. 
*Hugh  Wolraington  and  Erame  Farr  were  married  4  Nov. 
Elinor  Newman  the  daughter  of  Henry  Newman  was  baptised  1 1  Dec 
P^mme  Downton  was  buried  23  Dec. 
Robert  Pomery  the  sonne  of  Robert  Pornery  was  baptised  20  Feb. 


Joane  Hauler  the  daughter  of  John  Bauler  was  baptised  23  April, 
fhoinas  Dowle  the  sonne  of 'I'homas  Dowle  was  baptised  5  July. 
Bridgett  Thomas  the  daughter  of  John  Thomas  was  baptised"  6  August. 
Walter  Mows  and  Margerie  Devoll  were  married  2  (?)  Sept. 
Henry    Woolmenton  the   sonne    of    Hugh   Woolmenton    was    baptised 
17  January. 

Margerie  Lamberte  was  buried  25  March. 

Samuel  Masters  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Masters  was  baptised  19  Aprill. 
John  Panther  the  sonne  of  Margarett  Panther  was  baptised  29  April. 
Weaker  Shane  the  sonne  of  Walter  Shane  was  baptised  13  June. 
Martha  Churchouse  the  daughter  of  Abell  Churchouse  was  baptised 
20  June. 

(Signature  at  foot)  John  Downton. 
Page  12. 

Samuel!  Pomery  the  sonne  of  Robert  Pomery  was  baptised  9  January. 
Margarett    Newman    the   daughter   of   Henry   Newman    was    baptised 
I  February. 

Dorathie  WooUmenton  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Woollmenton  was  baptised 

7  August. 
William  Dowle  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Dowle  was  baptised  8  January. 
Richard  Chedde  and  Alice  Harris  were  married  30  January. 
Elizabeth  Bauler  the  daughter  of  John  Bauler  was  baptised  12  March. 

Ralph  Guye  and  Margarett  Turke  were  married  16  October. 
Elinor    Masters    the    daughter   of 

Thomas  Masters  was  baptised  3  February. 

Thomas  Pomery  the  sonne  of  Roberte  Pomery  was  baptised  31  March. 
George  Churchouse  the  sonne   of  Richard  Churchouse    was    baptised 

3  Aprill. 
William  Bauler  was  buried  30  Aprill. 
Martin  Snell  was  buried  7  June. 

*This  entry  is  in  the  margin. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

Joane  Webber  was  buried  23  October. 

Emme  WooUmenton  the  daughter  of  Hugh  WooHmenton   was  baptised 

3  November. 
Henry   Churchouse   the    sonne   of    Abell    Churchouse    was    baptised 

2  January. 
Richard  Chedde  the  sonne  of  Richard  Chedde  was  baptised  22  January. 

Edmonnde  Yeate  and  Elinor  Newman  were  married  22  September. 
Lionel!   Churchouse  the  sonne  of  Richard   Churchouse   was    baptised 

29  September. 
John  Lye  was  buried  22  October. 

Robert  Masters  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Masters  was  baptised  11  January. 
Elizabeth  Snell  was  buried  12  January. 

Peter  Thomas  the  sonne  of  John  Thomas  was  baptised  12  Aprill. 
William  Churchouse  the  sonne  of   William   Churchouse   was   baptised 

(no  date  given). 

(Signature  at  foot)  John  Downton. 
Page  13.     Original  paging  7. 
Henry  Browne  and  Ann  Bauler  were  married  9  June. 
William   Newman  the  sonne  of  Henry  Newman   was  baptised  13  Sep- 
Richard  Webber  the  sonne  of  John  Webber  was  baptised  22  November. 
Samiiell  Pomery  and  Joane  Suiher  were  married  27  January. 
Thomas  Churchouse  the   sonne   of  Richard  Churchouse  was  baptised 

2  February. 

161 9. 
Elizabeth  Churchouse  the  daughter  of  William  Churchouse  was  baptised 

2  May. 
Joane  Browne  the  daughter  of  Henry  Browne  was  baptised  30  May. 
Dorathie  Masters  was  buried  (no  date  given). 
Robert  Watts  and  Ann  Lamberte  were  married  19  October. 
George  Masters  and  Martha  Bauler  were  married  28  November. 
Grace  Churchouse   the  daughter  of  William  Churchouse  was  baptised 

I  January. 
Hester    Masters    the   daughter   of  Thomas    Masters    was    baptised    13 

Thomas  Rente  the  sonne  of  Symon  Kente  was  baptised  20  February. 
Agnes    Dowle   the   daughter   of    Thomas  Dovvle    was    baptised  (torn) 

Marie  Webber  the  daughter  of  John  Webber  was  baptised  26  February. 

Nathaniell    Downton  the  sonne  of  John  Downton  was  baptised  (torn) 

James  Churchouse  the  sonne  of  Richard  Churchouse  was  baptised  (torn). 

12  Beer  Haekett  Register. 

Joane  Browne  was  buried  17  September. 

Joane    Hutchings    the   daughter   of    Jesper    Hutchings    was    baptised 

I  October. 
George  Write  and  Grace  Hull  were  married  3  December. 
Thomas  Watts  the  sonne  of  Robert  Watts  was  baptised  28  January. 
Grace  Masters  the  daughter  of  George  Masters  was  baptised  28  January. 
(Signature  at  foot)    John  Downton. 
Page  14. 

Ann  Bauler  was  buried  27  Aprill. 
Joane  Churchouse  the   daughter  of  William   Churchouse  was  baptised 

24  June. 
Thomas  Hodges  otherivise  Poore  and  Christian  Churchouse  were  married 

18  October. 
Richard  Luckis  the  sonne  of  William  Luckis  was  baptised  i  November. 
Margarett  Write  the  daughter  of  George  Write  was  baptised  8  December. 
Benett  Bauler  was  buried   i  January. 
John  Webber  the  sonne  of  John  Webber  was  baptised  3  March. 


Katherine  Churchouse  the  daughter  of  Able  {sic)  Churchouse  was 
baptised  6  Aprill. 

Thomas  Hodges  otherwise  Poore  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Hodges  other- 
wise Poore  was  baptised  14  Aprill. 

James  Lodge  was  buried  20  Aprill. 

Thomas  Rente  was  buried  24  May. 

Alice  Newman  the  daughter  of  Henrie  Newman  was  baptised  23  June. 

Margaret  Browne  the  daughter  of  Henry  Browne  was  baptised  4  August. 

Thomas  Juxon  and  Ratherine  Waldron  were  married  6  September. 

Mary  Hutchings  the  daughter  of  Jesper  Hutchings  was  baptised 
15  November. 

Alice  Newman  was  buried  25  December. 

Henry  Newman  was  buried  30  December. 

Alice  Newman  was  buried  12  Januarie. 

James  Goldringe  and  Emm  Panter  were  married  10  March. 

Agnes  Churchouse  the  daughter  of  William   Churchouse  was  baptised 

6  Aprill. 
Agnes  Snell  was  buried  13  June. 

George  Masters  the  sonne  of  George  Masters  was  baptised  22  June. 
Agnes  Churchuie  {sic)  was  buried  9  September. 

Ideth  Churchowse  the  daughter  of  Richard  Churchowse  was  baptised 
26  October. 

(Signature  at  foot)  John  Downton. 
Page  15.     Original  paging  8, 
Anne  Golderinge  the  daughter  of  James  Golderinge  was  baptised  28 

Beer  Hackctt  Register.  1 3 

Jerman  Write  the  sonne  of  George  Write  was  baptised  2  November. 
John  Snell  and  Mary  Coventrye  were  maried  26  January. 
*Christian  Churchowse  was  buried  25  March. 


Ertha  {sic)  Luck  is  the  sono  of  William  Luckis  was  baptised  4  April. 

Lionell  Browne  was  buried  29  May. 

Jane  Wolmington    the   daughter  of   Hugh   ^Volmington    was    baptised 

15  August. 
Elizabeth  Pommery  daughter  of  Samuel  Pomery  was  baptised  6  October. 
^g"  John   Downton  parson  of  Beerhackett  and  Joan  Symes  als  Ford 

were  married  7  Apprill. 
Alexander  Bartlet  and  Susanah  Hulett  were  married  24  May. 
Francis  Mast  and  Katherine  (iinre  were  maried  28  October. 
John     Churchouse     the    sone    of    WilHani     Churchouse    was    bap.     5 

Jerman  Write  was  buried  29  January. 
Susana  Goldring    the  daughter   of  James    Goldring    was    baptised    16 

Robert  Master  the  sone  of  Francis  Masters  was  bap.  19  March. 
Roger  Churchouse  the  sone  of  Abell  Churchouse  was  bap.  20  March. 


John  Hatkins  the  son  of  John  Hatkins  was  baj).  —  April. 
Constance  Webber  the  daughter  of  John  Webber  was  bap.  i  May. 
Edward  Lambert  and  Eliner  Pommery  were  married  the  23  May. 
Mary  Masters  the  daughter  of  Georg  Masters  was  bap.  (date  torn  away). 
Anne  Write  the  daughter  of  Georg  Write  was  bap.  (date  torn  away.) 
g^  John  Downton  Parson  was  buried  Jan.f  (date  torn  away). 
George  Gibbes  and   Margarett  (name  almost  illegible  ?  if  Lacy)  were 

maryed  8  January. 
Anne  Lambeth  {sic)  the  daughter  of  Edward  Lamberd  {sic)  was  bap. 

12  February. 
Joane  Burt  was  buried  28  February. 
Joan  Luckis  the  daughter  of  Wilhh  Luckis  was  bap.  5  March. 


Joane  Hutchins  was  buried  26  March. 

Anne  the  daughter  of  Robert  Woolcott,  clerk  was  bap.  22  May. 

Valentine  Farding  was  buried  6  June. 

Robert  Burt  and  Emme  Newman  were  maried  30  June. 

(Signatures  at  foot)  John  Downton. 

Nicholaus  Jeffris. 

*To  this  point  the  writing  is  of  one  uniform  character. 

|-  Jan.  with  a  .stroke  through  it  appears  in  the  body  of  the  page,  but  the  margin 
here  is  torn  away. 

14  Beer  Hackett  Register. 

Page  1 6. 
James  Goldrinp  the  sonne  of  Francis  Goldring  was  bap.  29  November. 
Jane  Masters  the  daughter  of  Francis  Masters   bap.  24  November  {sic) 


Henry    Churchowse   the  sonne  of  WilHam   Churchowse   was  baptised 

26  May. 
Mary  Churchowse  the  daughter   of    Abell    Churchowse    was    baptised 

'10  July. 
Margarett  Gibbes  was  buried  10  August. 

John  Gibbes  the  sonne  of  George  Gibbes  was  baptised  1 1  August. 
Anne    Poihery    the    daughter    of    Samuell    Pomery    was    baptised    8 

Joseph  Bine  the  sonne  of  Robert  Birte  was  baptised  27  December. 
Johane    Lambert   the   daughter   of  Edward    Lambert   was    baptised    6 

Katharine   Raynoldes  alias  Farr  the   daughter  of   Richard    Farr  alias 

Raynoldes  was  baptised  13  Januari. 
WilHam  Master  the  sonne  of  George  Master  was  baptised  13  Januari. 
Hanna    Hatkins    the    daughter   of    John    Hatkins    was    baptised    11 

Katharine  Wohnyngton  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Wolmyngton  was  baptised 

19  Februari. 


Henry  Churchowse  was  buried  1 1  Maye. 

Alice  Farr  was  buried  28  Maye. 

George  Gibbes  and  Dorathy  Dowle  were  married  18  August. 

Eideth  Hull  was  buried  29  October. 

John  Master  the  sonne  of  Francis  Master  was  baptised  19  November. 

Sara  Rial!  the  daughter  of  Richard  Riall  was  baptised  20  December. 

John  Luckis  the  soime  of  William  Luckis  was  baptised  25  January. 

William  Brame  [or  Braine]  and  Grace  Bauller  were  married  2  February. 

Roger  Goldringe  the  sonne  of  James  Goldringe  was  baptised  29  March. 


John  Bauler  was  buried  6  Aprill. 

Eliner    Lambert   the   daughter   of   Edward   Lambert  was   baptised   26 

Joseph   Webber  and   Beniamin    Webber  the   sonnes    of  Jolin   Webber 

were  baptised  20  June. 
Joseph  Webber  was  buried  20  June. 
Beniamin  Webber  was  buried  29  July. 

(Signature  at  foot)  Nicholaus  Jeffris.  R. 

Beer  Haekett  Register.  1 5 

Page  17.* 

^bc  ^eare  of  our  Xol•^c  1640,  an^  in  tbc  ictb  ot 
Ikiuij  (Xbai1C5. 


t  Samuel  Masters  married  Julian  ,  29  Jun. 

Joseph  Pomery  the  sone  of  Samuel  Pomery  was  baptised  13  September. 

Grace  Churche  house  was  buried  20  September. 

Robert  Panter  the  sone  of  Robert  Panter  was  baptised  20  October. 

John  Lambard  was  buried  8  September. 

Abel!  Church  house  was  buried  6  January. 

Joan  Masters  was  buried  17  January. 

John  Riall  the  son  of  Richard  Riall  was  baptised  19  January. 

Ceusan  Gouldring  was  buried  9  Feb. 


Gregorye  Pond  and  Julian  Millet  of  Sherborne  were  married  20  July. 
Peter  (?)  Newman  ye  sone  of  William  Newman  was  baptised  27  July. 
Richard  Harris  was  buried  26  Dec. 

I  1642. 
Jane  Master  the  daughter  of  George  Master  was  baptised  26  Oct. 

t  1646. 
The   same   day   was   buried  Jane    Churchhowse   daughter   of    Robert 

Churchowse  8  June. 
William  Pomery  the  sou  of  Samuell  Pomery  was  baptised  14  June. 
William    Bawller   the    sonne    of    William    Bawller    was    baptised    22 

Thomas  Pinker  the  son  of  Thomas  Pinker  was  baptised  26  September. 

[Henceforward  in  another  hand.] 
John  Allwod  the  sonn  of  John  Allwod  and  Margaret   Allwod  his  wife 

was  baptised  2  Februarie. 
James  AUwood  was  baptised  (no  datej. 

—  il)cavc  of  our  XorD  (3o^  1647  aut>  I7tb  of  %\\\\^t 

Page  1 8.     Page  i8  is  blank,  but  is  headed 
Berehacket  A"  Donni  1648. 

*  Pages  17  and  iS  are  three-quarters  only  of  a  whole  sheet.  It  was  found  loose 
in  the  parish  chest,  one  of  several  that  evidently  are  now  lost  or  destroyed,  for  there 
are  many  hiati  from  hence  forward. 

1  This  is  in  a  later  hand. 

X  There  were,  apparently,  no  entries  between  26  October,  1642,  and  8  June,  1646. 

1 6  Beer  Hackctt  Register 

Page  19.     Original  paging  12. 

*  The   marige   (?)    of    Robert    Foarde  and  Elesabeth  Addams,    bride, 

Loaders  on  Thursday  July  fourth  day  in  ye  year  Anno  Dni  1695  at 

Thornford.  . 

*Mr.  Elnar  Mintern  of  Yeatminster  Elezabeth  Hearn  widow  of  Bemester, 

his  bride,  Loaders. 
*|olm  Mintern  jun  of  Yeatminster. 
*john  Munden  jun  {sic)  of  Bearhackett  his  bride  Loaders  wnten  per  me 

Robertas  Foarde  gent. 

The  year  of  our  Lord  God  1658  and year  of  Kin^ . 

(Torn)  the  daughter  of  John  Lokier  of  Sock  widdow  (?)  of  William 
Newman  of  Knighton  deceased  and  was  buried  ye  same  day  at 
Beare  Hagget. 

*  Robert  Foarde  borne  Tuesday  at  4  a  clock  m  morning  November  21st 

day  in  ye  yeare  Anno  Dni  1676  in  ye  town  of  Beamester. 

Richard  Gwyer  of  Leigh  was  buried  —  Nov. 

^Robert  Foarde  sin.  died  Tuesday  4  at  clock  in  morning  7th  day  of  May 
1688  in  Beamester. 

*  Robert  Foarde  sin  burried  Fryday  May  loth  Ano  168S  m  Beamester. 

The  year  of  our  Lord  God  1688  and year  of  King 

*  The  above  written  Robert  Foarde  sen  dyed  in  ye  49th  year  of  his  age 
on  ye  7th  of  May  in  1688  witnes  his  son  Robertus  Foarde. 


Ellen  Gwyer  was  buried  28  April).  . 

Susanna  the  daughter  of  Edward  and   Chantye  Harris    was  baptised 
and  was  born  the  20th  of  April  31  May. 

Page  20. 

-  Tan  Being  Tuesday  about  9  of  ye  clocke  at  night  departed  this  life 
^  Mi'  Constance  Guppey,  widdowe,  aged  80  yeares.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Thomas  Kingsmell  of  Kings  Eenham  in  the  Countye  of 
Southampton,  Esq,  sister  to  S-"  John  Kingsmill  of  Walhngtons  in  the 
Countye  of  Berkeshire  Knight.  Relict  of  Richard  Guppey  of 
Sandridgehill  Parke  in  the  Countye  of  Wiltshire,  gent.  And  Mother 
to   Constance  the    wife   of   John  Strode  of  Knighton   or   Ryme,  , 

9  Jan*^    The  said  Constance  was  buried  in  the  Chancell  of  the  parish 
Church  of  Yeatminster.  

^Th^  entries  in  the  execrable  writing  of  Robert  Forde,  jun.,  marked  with  an 
n^tptisk  are  made  in  blank  spaces  that  happened  to  exist  on  pages  20  and  21,  lor  they 
are  of  a  much  later  date  than  the  few  other  entries  which  are  in  their  proper  places  , 
on  these  pages. 

Heer  Hackett  Register.  17 

-  Feb.     Margaret  Panter  spinster  was  buried. 

-  March.     Hugh  Panter  her  brother  was  also  buried. 

The  yeare  of  our  Lord  God  1660  the  twelveth  yeare  of  the  reign  of 
[torn]  Lord  King  Charles  the  Second. 


—  June.       Elizabeth  the  daughter  of  William  Master  [torn]. 

8  July.        William  Newman  of  Knighton  [torn]. 

15  ,,  Grace  ye  wife  of  George  Write  of  [torn]. 
*2i  April.    Susanna  Gooldring  v/as  baptised. 

*6  Oct.         P2dvvard  son  of  Edw.  Harris  bapt. 

Edward  Noake  his  hand  and  pen. 

t  The  same  Robert  Foarde  and  Elezabeth  Addams  which  is  subscribed 
in  this  Register  in  the  yeare  Anno  Dni  1695,  July  4th,  He  the  said 
Robert  Foarde  was  marred  in  ye  19  yeare  of  his  age  and  she  the 
said  Elezabeth  Addams  was  marred  to  Robert  Foarde  in  the  2 2d 
yeare  of  her  age  written  per  me  October  8th  1702.  Robertus 

(Signature  at  foot),  Robertus  Foarde,  gent. 
Page  21.     Original  paging  13. 

Two  entries  have  been  erased. 
Jan.  21  (?)    Joh'^-'-    Duncombe     Mag.    Art.     institut.    &    inductus     ad 
presentacionem  Joh'is  Strode  de  Knighton  gen.  p.  hac 
vice  ver.  &  patron. 
Articulos    legit    et    ijsdern    subscri[)sit    &    ijsdem    volcns 
assensli  &  consensu  p'buit  in   p'sentia  nru.  quoru.  noia. 

22  Feb.         Arthur    Newman    sonne   of    Peter  Newman    was   baptised 

(crossed  through). 
10  March.    Willia.  Master  buryed. 

16  „         Joseph  Ewyns  of  Evershott  and  Jane  Tuck  of  Thornford, 



9  June.      Eliz.  daughter  of  Edw.  Harris  bapt. 

[Torn]  son  of  John  Luckis  baptised. 

[Torn]  ■\\'i!ls  and  Margaret  Allerd  marryed. 

[Torn] iam  son  of  Peter  Newman  baptised. 

*  Another  handwiiling  and  probabl)'  not  1660. 
t  See  note  on  page  16. 

Beer  Hackctt  Reo-ister. 


[Torn]  Samuel  (?)  son  of  Charles  Panter  buried. 

—  May.  Samuel  son  of  Charles  Panter  buried. 

[Torn]  Eliz.  daughter  of  John  Coxe  bapt. 

17  Juiy.  Will,  son  of  Samuel  Master  bapt. 

19  Jan.  Joseph  son  of  Geo.  Master  bapt. 


15  Mny.       Edward  son  of  Charles  Panter  of  Knighton  bapt. 
:?4     ,,  W'ilHam  son  of  James  Gooldryng  bapt. 

16  June.       William  son  of  James  Gooldryng  buried. 
I  Nov.        Aviary  daughter  of  Luke  Thresher,  bapt. 

29     ,,  John  son  of  Peter  Newman  bapt. 

20  Jan.         Eliz.  daughter  of  Ralph  Pope  of  Yetminster  bapt. 

Page  22. 

15  Jan.         Anne  daughter  of  Geo.  Master  bapt. 
12  March.    Susan  Dowle  of  Knighton  buryed. 


8  April.  George  son  of  John  Soilierset  bapt. 

6  Aug.  Geo.  son  of  John  Somersett  alias  Coxe  bur. 

4  Jan.  William  Bartlett  and  Hester  Young  marryed. 

16  Feb.  Robert  son  of  Charles  Panter  bapt. 

No  entries. 


39  March.  Edward  son  of  Robert  [torn] 

12  April.  Josuah  son  of  Josuah  [torn,?  Ryall] 

16  June.  Susanna  daughter  of  Peter  Newman  bapt. 

27  Dec.  Thomas  Pomeroy  and  Susan  Harris  marryed. 



17  Ji-ily-  John  White  of  Bemister  and  Elizabeth  Masters  married. 

15  Oct.  Robert  sonnc  of  Robert  Patten  baptised. 

7  Nov.  Joane  daughter  of  Trustrum  Combe  baptised. 

16  ,,  Margery  wife  of  Joshuah  Ryall,  buried. 
19  Dec.  Joshuah  son  of  Joshuah  Ryall  buried. 
24     „  Luke  Thesher  buried. 

27  Feb.  Joane  daughter  of  George  Masters  buried, 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

Page  .'3.     Original  paging  16  (?).     [Several  pages  missing.] 

5  July.       Gertrude   daughter    of    William   and   Gertrude    Wiffen    of 

Leigh,   bapt. 

6  Oct.         Thomas  sonn  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Squire,  bapt. 
16  Dec.        Ellenor  Webber,  widdow,  buried, 

14  Feb.  Mary  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Munden,  bapt. 

14     ,,  James  Goldring,  Gierke,  buried. 

14  March.  Elizabeth  daughter  of  William  and  Julian  Abbott  bapt. 

14       ,,  James  son  of  William  and  Mary  Hunt,  bapt. 

1 8       „  Charles  Panter  of  Knighton,  bur. 


6  April.       Christian  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  Perrott,  bapt. 

20  ,,  Tristram  Combe,  bur. 

12  Oct.         Richard  sonn  of  Samuel  and  Christian  Noak  bapt. 

28  Nov.        Sarah  daughter  of  Josua  and  Sarah  Ryall,  bapt. 
14  Dec.        Edward  Harris  Sr.,  of  Knighton,  bur. 

2  Jan.         Richard  sonn  of  Richard  and  Hannah  Ryall  of  Ryme,  bur. 

21  March.    Samuel  Pomeroy  of  Knighton,  buried. 


[Torn]  8  June.  Edward  Harris  of  Knighton  and  Sarah  Justins  of  Leigh 

10  June.       [torn]  Potten  and  Mary  Symms,  marr. 
Torn]  Aug.  [torn]  ry  daughter  of  Robert  and  Mary  Shephard,  bapt. 
Torn'  Aug.  Widdow  Harris  of  Knighton,  bur. 
Torn]  Nov.  Sarah  daughter  of  Josua  and  Sarah  Ryall,  bur. 

29  Jan.         Thomas  Squire,  buried. 


Susanna  daughter  of  Alice  Goh.hing,  bur. 

Samuel  Noak  of  Knighton  was  buried  at  Poke. 

Charity  daughter  of  Edward  and  Sarah  Harris  bapt. 

Robert  Shephard,  bur. 

Mary  Burrowes,  widdow,  bur. 

Charity  daughter  of  Edward  and  Sarah  Harris,  bur, 

Robert  Masters  of  Tybbles,  bur. 

I'Mvvard  sonn  of  James  and  May  Potten,  bapt. 

James  sonn  of  Joshua  ami  Sarah  Ryall,  bapt. 

Alice  Goldring,  widdow,  bur. 

George  sonn  of  Edward  and  Sarah  Harris,  bapt. 

Robert  Churchhouse  bur. 

Grace  Masters  of  Tybbals  in  ye  parish  of  Knighton,  bur, 

II  April 

27           M 

2  May. 

IS  July. 
24  Sept. 
29  Oct. 

30     » 

7  April 
26       „ 
26       „ 

5  July. 

3  Jan. 

Beer  Hackctt  Register. 

30  March.    Susanna  daughter  of  Will,  and  Joan  Dowle,  bapt. 
13  June.       Susanna  wife  of  Joseph  Perrotl  of  Knighton,  bur. 
13       „         Benjaniiii    and    EUeanor    son    and     daughter    of    Joseph 

Perrott,  bapt. 
16       „         EUenor  daughter  of  Joseph  Perrott,  buried. 

10  Sept.       Widdow  Thresher  of  Knighton,  bur. 

t6       ,,         James  sonn  of  James  and  Mary  Patten,  bapt. 

23       ,,         Susanna  daughter  of  PMvvard  and  Sarah   Harris,  bapt. 

Page  24. 
23  Nov.*      Thomas  son  of  Thomas  and  Susanne   Genninsof  [?  Rime] 

30     ,,  Tiiomas  son  of  Thomas  and  Susanna  Gennings  buried, 

I  Jan.         ?vlavy  daughter  of  William  and  Julian  Abbott,  bapt. 

1 1  „  James  sonn  of  Joshua  and  Sarah  Ryali,  bur. 


19  Dec.        Thomas  Masters,  buryed. 

20  „  Ann  daughter  of  Richard    Guyer   and    Deborah    his    wife 

10  Feb.        Edward  Harris,  son  of  Edward,  baptised. 
23     ,,  Edward  Harris,  son  of  Edward,  buried. 

15  March.    Ann  Guyer,  buried. 

Signatures  of  Henry  Emery,  Rector. 

John  Adams      )   ^,       ,         , 
i,  J        ,  TT      ■    \  Churchwardens. 
Edward  Harris  J 


8  Aug.  William  the  spurious  child  of  Elizabeth  Masters  was  baptised. 
28  Dec.        Thomas  the  son  of  John  and  Eleanor  Vivian  was  baptised. 

3  March.  Richard  the  son  of  Edward  and  Sa  [tornf]  ris  was  baptised. 
20  June.l     Joanna  daughter  of  Rich'^-  and  Deborah  Guyer  was  baptised. 

Signature  of  Hen.  Emery,  Rector. 


20  June.       Joanna  daughter  of  Rich^-  and  Deborah  Guyer  was  baptised. 
26  Sept.        Jane  ye  daughter  of  Susannah  Newman,  ye  father  unknown, 

26  ,,  Joanna  ye  daughter  of  Ricd.  Guyer  was  buried. 
28     „  John  son  of  John  and  Ann  Munden  was  baptised. 

27  Dec.        John  Buckland  and  Mary  Glide  were  married. 

10  Jan.         William  ye  son  of  Joshua  and  Sarah  Ryall  was  baptised. 

*  This  entry  almost  illegible. 

t  Probably  Sarah  Harris. 

:;:  This  entry  is  crossed  nut  and  appears  in  the  following  year. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

1 8  Aug. 

3°  I"^y- 

17  Sept. 

20  Nov. 

27  Dec. 

17  Jan. 

27  Feb. 


John  Addams  the  sone  of  Jolm  Addams  buryed. 

John    the    sone   of    John    Buckland   and    Mary    his    wife, 

baptised  and  John  William  Hugh  Cross  baptised  at  the 

same  tyme. 
John  the  son  of  Richard  and  Deborah  Guyer  was  bapt. 
Jolm  ye  son  of  Richard  (juyer  was  buried. 
Sarah  ye  daughter  of  Edward  and  Sarah  Harris  was  bapt. 
Elizabeth  daughter  of  James  and  Mary  Patten  was  bapt. 
Robert  Patten  was  buried. 

Signature  of  Hen.  Emery,  Rector. 


7  May.        Katharine  Comb  widdow  was  buried. 

8  Nov.        Jonathan  Parrott  was  buried. 
20  Dec.      *Ann  Patten  was  buried. 

2  March.    EUzabeth  daughter  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Woollridge  bapt. 


4  May.       Elizabeth  daughter  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Woollridge  buried. 
18  May.       Joshua  Ryal  was  buried. 

29  June.      Joseph  Parrott  was  buried. 

Page  25.     Original  paging  22. 

26  March.    Mary  Masters  was  buried  and  affidavit  made. 

8   April   1725. 

Signatures  of  Ric.  Bingham. 
W'".   Freke. 
25  April.      ^Villiam  Masters  was  buried.     Aff.  made  28  Apl. 
31  May.       Johanna  Abbott  was  buried.     Aff.  made  6  June. 

9  July.        Mary  daughter  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Masters  bapt. 
22  Sept.        Mary  Ailesbury  was  buried.     No  aff. 

17  Jan.         Samuel  son  of  Edward  and  Martha  Noak  was  bapt. 
9  Feb.        John  Summerset  was  buried.     Aff.  made  22  Feb. 

21  April  1726.     Allowed  by  us, 
Ric.  Bingham, 
W"^-  Freke. 

2  June.       John  Apthye  was  buried.     Aff.  made  3  June. 
I  Oct.        Julian  Abbot  was  buried.     Aff.  made  9  Oct. 

5  ,,  William  son  of  John  and  Ruth  'Poop  was  bapt. 

*  Miry  crossed  out. 

Beer  Hackett  Reo-ister. 

8  March.    Orlando  Napper  and  Mellicent  Payn  were  married. 

18  „         Hannah  Ryal  was  buried.     Aff.  made  19  March. 

Allowed  by  us,  April  ye  11,  1727. 
Ric.  Bingham. 
W'"-  Freke. 

14  Sept.       John  Burrows  was  buried.     Aft.  made  25  Sept. 
1 1  March.    Robert  son  of  John  and  Ruth  Toop  was  bapt. 

26  May.        William  Masters  son  of  William  and  Elizabclh  was  bapt. 

19  July.        Benjamin  son  of  James  and  P^lizabeth  Patten  was  bapt. 
28     „  Benjamin  Patten  was  buried.     Aff.  made  5  Aug. 

22  Dec.  Margaret  daughter  of  John  and  Ann  Woolridge  was  bapt. 

5  Jan.  Edward  Hayward  and  Mary  Lane  were  married. 

19     ,,  Luke  Thresher  was  buried.     Aff.  made  28  Jan. 

2  Feb.  John  WooUridge  was  buried.     Aff.  made  the  same  evening. 

9  „  Margaret  Woolridge  was  buried.     Aff.  made  1 1  March. 

April  17th,  1729.     Allowed  by  us, 
Ric.  Bingham. 
J.   H.   Wicksted. 
Page  26. 

30  April.       Mary  Abbott  was  buried.     Aft",  made  5  May. 
24  July.        John  Harris  was  buried.     Aff.  made  28  July. 

3  Aug.        Anthony  Mandefeild  and  Ann  Moor  were  married. 

21  Sept.       John  Summersett  was  buried.     Aft",  made  29  Sept. 

10  Dec.        Mary  wife  John  Davison  buried.     Aff  made  14  Dec. 

11  Jan.         Ann  Brown  was  buried.     Aff.  made  19  Jan. 

9  Feb.         Charles  son  of  Robt.  and  Mary  Cook  was  bapt. 

22  „  Ann  WooUridge  was  buried.     Aff  made  i  March. 

21  March.    Richard  son  of  Charles  and  Elizabeth  Noak  v/as  baiit. 

Allowed  by  us.    April  ye  17th,  1730. 
Ric.  Bingham. 
W"!.  Freke. 

14  Sept.        Elizabeth  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Baker  v/as  bapt. 
24     „  Elizabeth  Baker  was  buried.     Aff".  made  27  Sept. 

10  Oct.        Thomas  son  of  John  and  Ruth  Toup  was  bapt. 
24  Jan.         George  Harris  was  buried.     Aft",  made  29  Jan. 
16  Feb.        John  son  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Patten  was  bapt. 
Allowed  by  us,  29  April  1731. 
(No  signatures.; 

Beer  Hackett  Register.  23 

20  June.       James  Patten  was  buried.     Aff.  made  23  June. 
9  J'J^y-        John  Patten  was  buried.     Aff.  made  10  July. 

30  Aug.        Elizabeth  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Baker  was  bapt. 
30  Oct.         William  Masters  was  buried.     Aff.  made  the  same  day. 

21  Dec.        Charles  son  of  Charles  and  Elizabeth  Noak  was  bapt. 

30  Jan.         P^lizabeth  Cox  was  buried.     Aff.  made  5  Eeb. 

Signature  of  Hen.  Embris,  Rector. 
17  April,  1732.     Allowed  by  us, 
Ric.  Bingham. 
W'"-    Freke. 

*  1732. 

I  June.  Elizabeth  daughter  of  Robert  and  Mary  Cook  was  bapt. 

27     ,,  Joan  Jacob  was  buried.     Aff.  made  i  July. 

17  July.  John    Thresher   of    Netherbury   and    Christian    Woolridge 

of  Beerhackct  were  married. 

21  Aug.  John  the  son  of  Edward  and  Martha  Noak  was  bapt. 

24  Sept.  Ann  Buckland  was  buried.     Aff.  made  26  Sept. 

29  Oct.         Elizabeth  daughter  of  John  and  Ruth  Toup  was  bapt. 
14  Nov.        Robert  Toup  was  buried.     Aff.  made  15  Nov. 

31  Jan,         Mary  daughter  of  Robert  and  Joan  Buckland  was  bapt. 

5  April,  1733.     Allowed  by  us, 
Ric.  Bingham. 

\  W'"-  Freke. 

Page  27.     Original  paging  23. 

17  May.       Richard  Noak  was  buried.     Aff.  made  23  May. 
10  June.      George  Dunham  and  Sarah  Tuck  were  married. 

19  Feb.        Thomas  x^bbott  was  buried.     Aff.  made  24  Feb. 

20  March.    Richard  son  of  Charles  and  Elizabeth  Noak  was  bapt. 

25  April,  1724.     Allowed  by  us, 
Ric.  Bingham. 
W"-  Freke. 

29  Aug.        George  and  Fanny  Harris  were  buried.     Aff.  made  31  Aug. 

25  Nov.        Charles  Noak  was  buried.     Aff.  made  i  Dec. 

I  Dec.        Richard  Summerset  was  buried.     Aff.  made  9  Dec. 
19  March.    John  the  son  of  Robert  and  Sarah  Brown  was  bapt. 

17  April,  1735.     Allowed  by  us, 
Ric.  Bingham. 
W'"-  Freke. 

iBeer  Hackctt  Register. 

14  May.       John  the  son  of  Robert  and  Joan  Buckland  was  bapt. 
14  Sept.       James  Summersett  was  buried.     Aff.  made  21  Sept. 
30  Dec.        Christian  the  daughter  of  Charles  and  EUzabeth  Noak  was 
6  May,  1736.     Allowed  by  us, 
Tho^-  Medlycott. 
Tho.  Freke. 


4  Aug.        Ann  the  daughter  of  Winsor  and  Katharine  Guyer  was  bapt. 
26  April.      Thomas  Moor  and  Rebeccha  Willmott  were  married. 

3  Oct.         Robert  Patten  was  buried.     Aff.  made  same  day. 

16  Dec.        Hannah  Baker  was  buried.     Aff.  made  20  Dec. 
18  Feb.        Robert  the  son  of  John  and  Ruth  Toup  was  bapt. 

6  April.      George  Harris  was  buried.     Aff.  made  9  April. 
21  April,  1737.     Allowed  by  us, 
(No  signatures.) 

17  July.        Robert  Oliver  was  buried. 

18  Sept.        George  Harris  was  buried. 

23  Jan.         John  Woollridge  was  buried.     Aff.  made  24  Jan. 

Signature  of  Henry  Enibris, 
13  April,  1738.     AUovred  by  us, 
W"-  Freke. 
Tho.  Freke. 

10  Nov.        William  Toop  was  buried.     Aff.  made  12  Dec. 

5  Dec.        Mary  daughter  of  Winsor  and  Katharine  Guyer  was  bapt. 

4  May.       Robert  Holly  and  Ann  Andrews  were  married. 

30  March,    Windsor  Guyer  was  buried.     Aff.  made  8  April. 

24  April.      Sarah  Harris  was  buried.     Aff.  made  4  May. 

5  May,  1739.     Allowed  by  us, 
W™-  Freke. 
Tho.  Freke. 
14  May.        Edward  Harris  of  Beerhagard  and  Sarali  Dyke  were  married. 
17  May.       Elizabeth  Cake  was  buried.     All.  made  18  May. 

Page  28. 
21  May.       William  Cake  was  buried.     Aff.  made  21  May. 
12  June.       Mary  the  daughter  of  John  and  Ruth  Toup  was  bapt. 

25  ,,  William  Masters  was  buried.     Aff.  made  26  June. 

29  Oct.         William  son  of  Thomas  and  Hannah  Masters  was  bapt. 

Beer  Hackctt  Register. 


I    5  Nov.        Priscilla  Masters  was  buried.     AfF.  was  made  i  r  Nov. 

27  Dec.        Charles  Harvey  and  Jemima  Harris  were  married. 
I  17  April,  1740.     Allowed  by  us, 

j  Tho^-  Medlycott. 

Tho.  Freke. 

30  June.       Richard  son  of  Charles  and  Jemima  Harris  was  bapt. 
14  July,        Mary  Harris  was  buried.     Aff.  made  18  July. 

f9  April,  1 741.     Allowed  by  us, 
W"- Freke. 
Henry  Embris,  Rector. — ^Tho.  Freke. 
21  April.      Elizabeth  Oliver  was  buried.     Aff.  made  26  April. 
'    9  Aug.        Mary  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Hannah  Masters  was  bapl. 
24     ,,  Sarah  Masters  was  buried.     Aff.  made  28  Aug. 

14  Feb.        George  Buckland  and  Ann  Harman  were  married. 
8  March.    Richard  Ryal  was   buried.       Aff.    made.      Was   buried 

27  March.    Hugh  the  son  of  Hugh  and  Mary  Granger  was  bapt. 

23  April.       Hugh  Granger  was  buried. 

24  ,,         Robert  son  of  Thomas  and  Melior  Pidle  was  bapt. 
I  May.       William  son  of  John  and  Ruth  Toup  was  buried. 

II  March.    Robert  son  of  Hugh  and  Mary  Granger  bapt. 
10  March.    William  son  of  John  and  Ruth  Toup  was  bapt. 

8  July.        Joan  Cozins  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
—  Aug.        William  Masters  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
24  8ber.       Eliz.  Foard  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
*26  July.  1773.  Richard  Noake  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 

*6  Feb.    1774.  John  Darby  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
*24  Feb.    1774.  John  Gould  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 

4  Aug.      W"'-  son  of  Thos.  &  Melior  Piddle  was  bapt. 
3  7ber.     Hugh  son  of  Hugh  and  Mary  Granger  bapt. 
15  Oct.       Edward  Noake  of  Knighton  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
No  entries. 

+  1773- 
22  Apl.      Sam'-  son  of  John  &  Mary  Darby  bapt. 

*  Out  of  place  here,  but  so  in  Register. 
1  Out  of  place. 

Beer  Hackctt  Register. 



Page  1. 

26  July.        Richard  Noake  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 


8  Feb.        John  Darby  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
24  Feb.         John  Gould  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 

19  Dec.        Edward  Noake  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 

3  Feb.         Elizabeth  Harris  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 

9  Oct.         Mary  Noake  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 

2  Nov.        Edward  Noake  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 

29  May.       Joseph  King  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 


18  Feb.        John  Noake  was  buried  in  woollen  only.    Aff.  made  22nd. 

6  March.    Betty  Masters  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
16  Oct.         Thomas  Masters  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
8  Dec.        William  Masters  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 


23  Feb.         Samuel  Masters  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 
14  May.       John  Toop  was  buried  in  woollen  only. 

23  June.       Jane  Russel  Munden  was  buried  in  woollen  only.     Paid. 


19  June.       Samuel  Noake,  pauper,  discharged  by  the  Act. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. 

21  May.        Judith  Hicks  a  pauper. 

2  July.        Sarah  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Masters.     Paid. 


10  Nov.        John  Granger,  pauper,  was  buried.     Paid. 

27  June.       James  Cake  was  buried.     Paid. 

3  Nov.        Mary  Gould  was  buried. 

13  Nov.        Mary  Notley  was  buried. 
Page  2. 


11  Jan.         Elizabeth  Toop  was  buried. 

6  May.       Charles  Gould  was  buried. 

9  Jan.         John  son  of  Richard  and  Charlotte  Gould  was  buried. 

25  May.       Ann  daughter  of  Simon  and  Margary  Granger  was  buried. 
8  August.  William  son  of  John  and  Betty  Andrews  was  buried. 

27  May.       Jenny  daughter  of  Simon  and  Margary  Granger  was  buried. 
21  Dec.        Susannah  Munden  was  buried. 


24  Nov.        Mary  Masters  wife  of  Robert  Masters  was  buried. 


I  July.        Jane  daughter  of  Richard  and  Charlotte  Gould  was  buried. 

3  Dec.        Elizabeth  daughter  of  Richard  and  Charlotte   Gould   was 


II  Jan.         Thomas  son  of  Robert  and  Mary  Masters  was  buried. 

26  July.        George  Toop  was  buried. 

Page  3. 

7  Nov.        Hannah  Masters  was  buried. 

20  Jan.         Thomas  Masters  was  buried. 

28  Beer  Hackett  Regis te7\ 

1 8  Nov.        Joseph  son  of  Edward  and  Susannah  Taylor  was  buried. 

12  May.       Rachel  daughter  of  Robert  and  Betty  Masters  was  buried. 


3  Nov.        Susannah  daughter  of  Robert  and  Betty  Masters  was  buried. 


13  May.       Elizabeth  Masters  was  buried. 

9  March.    William  son  of  Simon  and  Margary  Granger  was  buried. 


Page  33. 

22  April.      Samuel  son  of  John  and  Mary  Darby,  baptised. 

16  June.       Christian  daughter  of  Richard  and  Elizabeth  Harris,  bap. 
27  Nov.        Edward  son  of  Samuel  and  Agnes  Noake,  baptiz'd. 
4  Dec.        Betty  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Axtence,  bap. 

26  May.       Mary  Larness  daughter  of  Thos.  and  Elizabeth  Samson,  bap. 


4  May.  Edward  son  of  Samuel  and  Agnes  Noake,  bapt'i 
25  May.  John  son  of  Simon  and  Margery  Granger,  bapti 
8  June.       JBetty  daughter  of  Thos.  and  Elizabeth  Samnson,  bapt;!: 


25  April.      Joseph  and   Benjamin  sons  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  King, 

19  Nov.        Thomas  son  of  Thos.  and  Elizabeth  Samson,  bap. 
30  Nov,        George  son  of  Simon  and  Margery  Granger,  bap. 


8  May.       Ann  daughter  of  Simon  and  Margery  Granger,  bap. 

liecr  Hackett  Rc(^ister. 


20  April.       Mary  daughter  of  Henry  and  Hannah  Gill,  baptized. 
2  I  August.   William  son  of  J:mies  and  Racliel  Cake,  baptized. 
20  Sept.        Ann  daughter  of  Robert  and  Mary  Masters,  baptized. 
30  Sept.        Ann  daughter  of  Thos.  and  Elizabeth  Samson,  baptized. 

Page  34. 


14  April.       Ann  daugliter  of  Richard  and  Susannah  Green,  baptized. 

1  Sept.        Tho^-  son  of  Simon  and  Margery  Granger,  baptized. 
13  Nov.        John  Maber  son  of  John  and  Jane  Munden,  baptized. 

\U  Feb.        Jane  base  born  daughter  of  Mary  Squib,  baptized. 
12  March.    Elizabeth  daughter  of  Henry  and  Hannah  Gill,  baptized. 
28  Dec.        Mary    daughter   of   James    and    Rachel    Cake,     baptized. 
Born  24  Dec.  1783. 

12  March.    Mary  daughter  of  Robert  and  Mary  Masters,  baptized.  Born 

16  Jan.  1784. 
iS  March.    Martha  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Samson,  bapt., 

born  8  March  1784. 
30  May.        Susannah    daughter    of    Richard    and     Susannah     Green, 

baptized,  born  30  April  1784.     Paid. 

7  August.  Sarah  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Saraii  Masters. 

2  Oct.        John  son  f.f  Henry  and  Hannah  Gill.     Paid. 

VV'"-  and  James  sons  of  Simon  and  Margery  Granger. 
William  son  of  John  and  Jane  Munden. 

i  Jan. 
25  April. 

Page  35. 

30  April.       James  son  of  John  and  I'.lizabeth  Toop.      Paid. 
25  Dec.        Thomas  son  ot  Edward  and  Susannah   i'aylor. 

2r   Ja 


Elizabeth  daughter  of  James  and  Rachael  Cake.     Paid. 

17  Jan.         Charlotte  and    George   daughter    and  son    of  George  and 
Sarah  Ryall. 

3  l<'eb.         Elizabeth  daughter  of  Robert  and  Mary  Masters. 

3  Feb.         John  son  o{  John  and  Elizabeth  Toop. 
23  March.     Henry  son  of  Simon  and  A [argery  Granger.      Paid. 

J^et-r  Hackctt  Register. 

29  March.    John  son  of  James  and  Rachael  Cake. 

9  Aug.        John  base  born  son  of  Elleanor  Hoskins. 
20  Sept.        Margaret  daughter  of  Edward  and  Susannah  Taylor. 

4  Oct.         Sarah  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Masters.     Paid. 

23  Pvlay.        Mary  daughter  of  Simon  and  Margery  Granger. 

1  August.   Ruth  daughter  of  Robert  and  Mary  Masters. 
35  Dec.         Ann  Miles  daughter  of  John  and  Elizabeth  'loop.      Paid. 

Richard  son  of  James  and  Rachael  Cake. 
Mary  daughter  of  William  and  Jane  Notley. 
John  son  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Andrews  was  baptized. 
Petty  daughter  of  John  and  Betty  Andrews  was  baptized. 

William  son  of  Edward  and  Susannah  Taylor  was  baptized. 
Samuel  son  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Master  was  baptized. 
Betty  daughter  of  Simon  and  Marjary  Granger  was  baptized. 

Robert  son  of  Robert  and  Mary  Masters  was  baptized. 
Ruth  daughter  of  John  and  Betty  Toop  was  baptized. 
Mary  daughter  of  John  and  Betty  Andrews  was  baptized. 
Elizabeth    daughter   of    Thomas    &   Sarah     Downton    was 

Martha    daughter    of    E.ichard    and    Rachel    Noake    was 

John  son  of  Richard  and  Charlotte  Gould  was  baptized. 
William  son  of  John  and  Betty  x\ndrews  was  christened. 

Joseph  son  of  Edward  and  Susannah  Taylor  was  baptised. 

e  37- 
Mary  daughter  of  Richard  and  Charlotte  Gould  was  baptised. 

Richard  son  of  Richard  and  Rachael  Noake  was  christened. 
John  son  of  Robert  and  Mary  Masters  was  baptised. 
Jenny   daughter    of    Simon    and    Margary     Granger     was 

William  son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Toop  was  baptised. 
John  and  Elizabeth  son  ;ind  daughter  of  William  and  Jane 

Notley  were  christened. 

27  June. 
17  July. 
23  Oct. 
23  Oct. 

1 2  Feb. 

I  July. 

14  Oct. 

20  Jan. 

21  March. 

35  Aug. 
25  Aug. 

23  March. 

8  June. 
29  June. 

I  March. 

25  Dec. 

3  March. 
22  May. 
19  June. 

19  June. 
14  Sept. 

Bi'cr  Hackett  Register.  31 


26  March.    Elizabeth   daughter  of   Richard  and   Charlotte   Gould  was 

10  Sept.        Ann  daughter  of  Simon  and  Margary  (Granger  was  baptized. 
8  Oct.         Joseph  son  of  John  and  Betty  Andrews  was  ba]>tize(i\ 

19  August.   John  'oase-born  son  of  Eleanora  Hoskins  was  baptized. 

7  April.      Jane  daughter  of  Richard  and  Chailotle  Gould  was  baptized. 

8  Sept.        Thomas  son  of  John  and  Betty  Toop  was  baptized. 

3  Dec.        Elizabeth   daughter  oi  Richard   and   Charlotte   Gould    was 


Page  38. 


4  Jan.         Rachel    daughter    of    Richard    and    Rachel    Noake    was 

20  Sept.        Hannah    daughter    of    Robert    and    Betty     Masters     was 

16  May.        Betty   daughter    of    Henry    and     Elizabeth     Priddle    was 
I  June.       Frances   daughter    of    James     and     Elizabeth    Cake    was 

29  May.       George  son  of  John  and  Mary  Saunders  was  baj^tized. 

3  July.        Thomas  son  of  Robert  and  Betty  Masters  wjs  christened. 
25  Sept.        John  son  of  Henry  and  Elizabeth  Pnddle  was  christened. 

25  Dec.        Sarah  daughter  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Cake  was  christened. 

7  April.       George  base-born  son  of  Ann  Masters  was  christened. 
14  April.       Samuel  son  of  Henry  and  Elizabeth  Priddle  was  baptized. 
5  Miy.        Susannah    daughter    of    Robert    and    Betty    Masters    was 

17  August.  Ann    daughter    of    Henry    and     Elizabeth     Priddle    was 

32  Beer  Hackett  Kcgister-. 

Page  39. 

22  March.    Ann  daughter  of  James  and  Ann  Crocker  was  christened. 

17  April.       William  son  of  Robert  and  Betty  Masters  was  baptized. 
23  July.        James  son  of  Robert  &  Betty  Masters. 

6  May.       Jane  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Martha  Osmond  was   baptized. 
27  May.       Henry   and    Alfred    sons  of  Henry  and  Elizabeth  Priddle 

were  baptized. 
29  July.        John  son    of   Robert    and   Mary  Strange  of  Cerne  Abbas 

was  baptized. 
23  Sept.       John  son  of  Samuel  Rendall  was  baptized. 

13  Oct.         Ann  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Martha  Osmond  was  bai)tized. 

10  May.       Harriett    daughter  of  Thomas  and    Elizabeth  Taylor   was 

17  May.       Caroline  daughter  of  Mary  Snook  was  baptized,  base  born. 

Page  55. 

Memorandum.     1798.     29  August.     A  copy  from  the  Register  sent  to 

Sherborne  Visitation. 
Memorandum.     1799.      14  August.     A  copy  from  the  Register  sent  to 

Sherborne  Visitation. 
Memorandum.      1806.     12  August.     A  copy  from  the  Register  to  this 

time  sent  to  Sherborne. 
Memorandum.      1807.     18  August.     A   copy  of  the  Register   to    this 

time  sent  to  Sherborne. 
Memorandum.     1808.     16  August.     A  copy  of   the  Register   to    this 

time  sent  to  Sherborne. 
Memorandum.      18 10.     14  August.     A  copy   of  the  Register   sent  to 

Memorandum.     iSii.     25   June.      A    copy   of   the   Register   sent   to 

Memorandum.      181 2.     18  August.     A  copy  of  the  Register   sent    to 

Memorandum.      1S13.     27   July.       A   copy    of    the    Register    sent    to 


Beer  Hackett  Register.  33 


/iDarria^es,  1757*1812. 

1757-  6  June.  Thomas  Toop  of  this  parish  and  Nfary  Shening  of 
Dradford  Abbas,  by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson, 
Rector.  Witnesses,  E.  Hosey,  junr.,  Thomas 

1759-  5  F^b.  John  Sherring  of  Bradford  Abbas  and  Mary  Toop 
of  this  parish,  by  Banns,  by  Edward  Cheselden, 
Officiating  Minister.  Witnesses,  E.  Hosey,  junr., 
Thomas  Masters. 

1759.  19  Nov.  John  Beaton  a  sojourner  in  this  parish  and  Pwlizabeth 
Toop  of  this  parish,  by  Banns,  by  Robert 
Sampson,  Rector.  Witnesses,  E.  Hosey,  junr., 
Thomas  Masters. 

1761.  9  April.  John  Noake  of  Knighton  in  this  parish  and  Mary 
Barnet  of  Sherborne,  by  License,  by  Robert 
Sampson,  Rector.  Witnesses,  Charles  Noake, 
Richard  Noake. 

1 76 1.  13  April.    Thomas  Loader  of  this  parish  and  Elizabeth  Riddle 

a  sojourner  in  Lillington,  by  Banns,  by  Robert 
Sampson,  Rector.  Witnesses,  John  Loader, 
Joseph  Loader. 

1762.  5  Jan.       Richard    Goldring   and    Jone    Piddle    both    of   this 

parish,  by  Banns,   by  Robert  Sampson,   Rector. 

Witnesses,  Thomas  Masters,  William  Coombes. 
1762.     18  May.     Samuel  Noake  of  Knighton  and  Agnes  Coward  of 

Bradford,    by    Banns,    by  J.  Topham,  Off.  Min. 

Witnesses,  Thomas  Masters,  Christian  Long. 
1762.       9  Aug.      John   Toop    and    Elizabeth    Wakeley,    both    of   this 

parish,   by   Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector. 

Witnesses,  Thomas  Melmoth,  Hannah  Masters. 

1762.  6  Dec.      Stephen  Abbot  and  Love  Gould,  both  of  this  parish, 

by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector.  Wit- 
nesses  not  named. 

1763.  7  April.     Adam  Abbot  and  Betty  Bartlet,  both  of  this  parish, 

by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector.  Witnesses, 
Thomas  Masters,  Ed.  Harris. 
1763.  4  July.  Stephen  Abbot  of  this  parish  and  Sarah  Linnard  of 
Melbury  Osmond,  by  License,  by  Robert 
Sampson,  Rector.  Witnesses,  Richard  Noake, 
Thomas  Masters, 


34  T^^^r  Hackctt  Register. 

1765.  21.  Oct.  William  Bird  of  this  parish  and  Susanna  Tomkyns 
of  Yetminster,  by  License,  by  Robert  Sampson, 
Rector.  Witnesses,  John  Smith,  Thomas 

(No  date  given.)  Richard  Harris  of  Yetminster  and  Betty  Spurle  of 
this  parish,  by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson, 
Rector.     Witnesses  John  Lill,  Thomas  Masters. 

1770.  22  Nov.      Thomas  Moor   of  Thornford  and    Lare  {sic)  Mead 

of  this  parish,  by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson, 
Rector.  Witnesses,  Thomas  Masters,  Ann 

1 77 1.  5  Jan.       William  Toop  of  this  parish  and  Betty  Gill  of  Over 

Compton,  by  Eanns,  by  Robert  Sam})Son,  Rector. 
Witnesses,  Thomas  Masters,  Henry  Gill. 

1771.  23  Dec.  James  Hunt  and  Sarah  Crocker  both  of  this  parish, 
by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector.  Wit- 
nesses, Thomas  Masters,  Grace  Jeanes. 

1773.  29  April.  Robert  Cox  of  Shenton  Magna,  co.  Dorset,  and 
Sarah  Mabar,  of  Knighton  in  this  parish,  by 
License,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector.  Witnesses, 
George  Russell,  Thomas  Masters. 

1775-  3  Ju^y*  Thomas  Axtence  and  Mary  Hannam  both  of  this 
parish,  by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector. 
VVitnesses,  Thomas  Masters,  Simon  Granger. 

1775-  5  Nov.  Benjamin  Warren  and  Betty  Toop,  both  of  this  parish, 
by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector.  Wit- 
nesses, Thomas  Masters,  Thomas  Masters,  jim. 

1776.  4  July.      Simon  Granger  of  this  parish  and  Margery  Dunning 

of  Buckland,  by  License,  by  Robert  Sampson, 
Rector.  Witnesses,  Richard  Chapman,  Robert 

1777.  9  Mch.     Joseph  Courtney  and  Hannah  Masters,  both  of  this 

parish,   by   Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector. 

Witnesses,  Thomas  Axtens,  Sarah  Masters. 
1777.     14  Aug.      Richard  Harris  and  Mary  Gould,  both  of  this  parish, 

by  Banns,  by  Robert  Sampson,  Rector.  Witnesses, 

Thomas  Masters,  Joseph  Coodney. 
1779.     12  July.      Thomas  Masters,  jun.,  and  Mary  Hodges  Downton, 

both    of    this    parish,     by     Banns,    by    Robert 

Sampson,   Rector.     Witnesses,  Samuel  Masters, 

Betty  Downton,  junr. 

1779.  I  Dec.      Daniel  Besant  of  Yeatminster,  and  Elizabeth  Mitchell 

of  Knighton  in  this  parish,  by  License,  by  Robert 
Sampson,  Rector.  Witnesses,  George  Bryer, 
Gertrude  Munden. 

1780.  21  Mch.     George   Johnson    of    Sanford    Orcas    and    Frances 

Watts,  widow,  of  this  parish,  by  Banns,  by  John 
Munden,  Curate.  Witnesses,  Samuel  Bullen, 
Thomas  Masters. 

Beer  Hackett  Register.  3^ 

30  May.  Robert  Masters  and  Mary  Paully  both  of  this  parish, 
by  Banns,  by  John  Munden,  Curate.  Witnesses, 
Joseph  Courtney,  Thomas  Masters. 

16  Aug.  Joseph  Courtney  and  Gertrude  Munden,  both  of 
this  parish,  by  License,  by  Robert  Sampson, 
Rector.  One  witness,  Susanna  Spencer. 
3.  10.  17.  Aug.  Banns  only.  James  Hunt  of  Thornford  and 
Mary  Squeb  otherwise  Skeeb  of  Knighton  in  this 
parish,  published  3,  10  and  17  August,  1783. 

16  Nov.  Joseph  Chisman  of  Yetniinster  and  Esther  Scott, 
spinster,  of  this  parish,  by  Banns,  by  John 
Munden,  Rector.  Witnesses,  Simon  Granger, 
John  Toop. 

16  Oct.  Joseph  Willmington  of  this  parish  and  Mary  Hollo- 
way  of  Barwick,  by  Banns,  by  John  Munden, 
Rector.  Witnesses,  Juletter  Sherring,  Jane 

20  Feb.  John  Higgins  of  this  parish,  and  Mary  Brooke  of 
Trent,  spinster,  by  License,  by  John  Munden, 
Rector.  Witnesses,  Elizabeth  Sherring,  Juletter 
Sherring.  J  3531'! 0 

ID  April.  Richard  Gould  and  Charlotte  Giles,  both  of  this 
parish,  by  Banns,  by  Robert  Harbin,  Curate. 
Witnesses,  Simon  Granger,  Mary  Masters. 
8  May.  Richard  Noake  and  Rachel  Cake,  both  of  this  parish, 
by  Banns,  by  Robert  Harbin,  Curate.  Witnesses, 
Simon  Granger,  Jemima  Trim. 
I  July.  George  Trim  of  this  parish  and  Sarah  Jefferey,  of 
Yetminster,  by  Banns,  by  Robert  Harbin,  Curate. 
Witnesses,  Thomas  Jeffery,  Alios  Sansom. 

22  June.     Matthew  Cox  of  Leigh   and  Elizabeth  Sansom   (or 

Samson)  of  this  parish,  by  Banns,  by  Robert 
Harbin,  Curate.  Witnesses,  Thomas  Salisbury, 
Elizabeth  Cox. 
1 1  Mch.  Robert  Masters  of  this  parish  and  Elizabeth  Tollevill 
of  Thornford,  spinster,  by  Banns,  by  Robert 
Harbin,  Curate.  Witnesses,  Simon  Granger, 
Charles  Notley. 

23  June.     James  Cake  and  Elizabeth  Saunders,    both   of  this 

parish,    by   Banns,    by    Robert    Harbin,    Curate. 

Witnesses,  Simon  Granger,  Richard  Noake. 
30  Aug.      Daniel  Hunt  of  Leigh  and  Elizabeth  Priddle,  sojourner 

in    this    parish,    by   Banns,   by   Robert    Harbin, 

Curate.      Witnesses,    Henry   Priddle,    Elizabeth 

II  April.    George  Snook,   sojourner,   and   Mary  Cake,   of  this 

parish,    by   Banns,    by    Robert  Harbin,  Curate 

Witnesses,  Elizabeth  Toop,  Simon  Granger. 

36  Beer  Hackett  Register. 

1806,  14  May.  Charles  Notley  of  Dewlish  and  Elizabeth  Toop  of 
this  parish,  by  Banns,  by  Robert  Harbin,  Curate. 
Witnesses,  Thomas  Toop,  Sarah  Elsen  (?) 

1809.  24  Aug.      Jacob  Osment  and  Martha  Toop,  both  of  this  parish, 

by  Banns,  by  William  Munden,  Curate.  Witnesses, 
George  Newman,  Hester  Hembury. 

1 8 10.  3  Feb.      Robert  Strange  of  Cerne  Abbas  and   Mary  Toop  of 

this  parish,  by  License,  by  William  Munden, 
Curate.  Witnesses,  Richard  Buckland,  Elizabeth 

181 1.  23  April.    Thomas  Taylor  and  Elizabeth   Masters,  both  of  this 

parish,  by  Banns,  by  Thomas  Bellamy,  Curate. 
Witnesses,  John  Toop,  Sara  Masters. 

181 2.  17  April.    ^Villiam  Sartin  and  Ruth  Toop,  both   of  this  parish, 

by  Banns,  by  Thomas  Bellamy,  Curate.  Wit- 
nesses, John  Toop,  Robert  Masters. 

l)ecr  Hackett  Register. — Index  Noninuui. 

3n^cy  IWoniinum. 

CoMiMLKO    Bv    SIDNEY    MADGE,    Esg.,    P'.R.H.S. 

-  Edward  i8;  Robert  18.I 

Abbott,  Adam  33;  Eliz.  i9;Joan2i; 

Jul.  19,  20,   21  ;    Mary,  20,  22: 

Steph.35*;Thos.  23;  Wm  19,20. 
Adams  (Addams),   Eliz.,    16,  17*; 

John  20,  21.* 
Ailesbury,  Mary  21. 
Allerd,  Margaret  17. 
Allwood  (Allwod),  Jas.  15;   John 

15*  ;  Mary  15. 
Andrews(Androwes),  Ann24;  Betty 

27)3o*>3i;John  27, 30^,31 ;  Jos. 

30;    Mary  30*;  Wm.  3,  4*,  27, 

30,  vi. 
Apthye,  John  21. 
Atkins  (see  Hatkins). 
Axtence,  Thos.  34*  (see  also  Ox- 


Baker,  Eliz.  22,  23  ;  Hann.  24 ;  John 

22,  23;  Mary  22,  23. 
Barnard,  Emm.  6. 
Barnet,  Mary  33. 
Bartlet  (Bartlett),  Alex.  13;  Betty 

33  ;  Wm.  18. 
BauUer  (Bauler,  BavUer,  Bawller), 

Agnes  2 ;  Alice  8 ;  Ann  7,11,12; 

Basil  9 ;  Bennett  3,  7,*  8,*  9,  1 2 ; 

Chris.  8  ;  Edith  3;  Elean.  8  ;  Eliz. 

6,  10;  Emm.  7;  Grace,  8,   14; 

Joan  2,  10;  John  i*,  2*,  3*,  7*, 

8*,  9,   10*,  14;    Martha   7,  11; 

Ric.  7;  Rob.  1,9;  Thos.  3;  Wm. 

I,  2,  10,  15*. 
Bearlye,  Ric.  6. 
Beaton,  John  33. 
Bellamy,  '1  hos.  36*. 
Besant,  Dan.  34. 
Bingham,  Ric.  21*,  22*,  23*. 
Bird,  Wm.  34. 

Bonfield,  Thos.  5. 

Braine  (Brame),  Wm.  14*. 

Bristol,  E^arl  of  vi. 

Brooke,  Mary  35. 
I  Brown  (Browne),  Ann  22:  Hy.  11*, 
I       12,  vi. ;  Joan  11,  12;  John  23; 
Lionel  13;  Marg.  12;  Rob.  233 
Sar.  23;  Thos.  vi. 
I  Bryer,  Geo.  34. 
j  Buckland,  Ann  23;  Geo.  25;  Joan 

23,  24;  John  20,  21*   24;  Mary 
I       21,  23;  Rich.  36;  Rob.  23,  24. 

Bullen,  Sam.  34. 

Burnard,  Arthur  Chichester  vii. 

Burrows  (Burrowes),  John  2  2  ;  Mary 

Burt    (Birte),   Joan   13;    Jos.    14; 

Rob.  13,  14. 

Cake,  Eliz.  24,  29,  31*,  35;  Frances 
31;  Jas.  27,  29*,  30*,  31*,  35; 
John  30;  Mary  29,  35;  Rach.  29*, 
30,  35;  Ric.  30;  Sar.  31;  Wm. 

24,  29. 
Chamberlayne,  Joan  9. 
Chaplin,  Ric.  2. 
Chapman,  Ric.  34. 
Chappell,  Agnes  6 
Chedde,  Ric.  10,  11*. 
Cheselden,  Edw.  33. 
Chisman,  Jos.  35. 
Churchouse        (Church        house, 

Churche  house,  Churchowse, 
Churchuse),  Abel  6,  9,  10,  n,  12, 
13,14,  15;  Agnes  12*;  Alice  6,8; 
Anne,  2;  Bridg.  2,  5;  Cath.  12; 
Christopher  7,  12,  13;  Dor.  7; 
Edith  12;  Eliz.  ii;  Emma  5; 
Geo.  10;  Grace  11,  15;  Hy.  11, 
14*;  Jas.  11;  Jane  15;  Joan  7,12; 


Beer  Hackett  Register.- 

-Index  No  minimi. 

John  I,  2*,  5,  8,  13;  Lionel  ii;  j  Edward,  John  5;  Thos.  5. 

Marg.  7;  Martha  10;  Mary  i,  14; 

Ric.  10,  II*,  12;  Rob.  6*,  7,  8, 

15,  19;   Rog.  13;   Thos.  9,  1 1 ; 

Walt.  2  J  VVm.  11*    12*,  13,  14. 
Cleeves,  'I'hos.  9. 
Clench,  John  6;  Marg.  7;  Pet.  4. 
Cobbe,  John  6;  Wm.  6. 
Cole,  Andr.  6;  Marg.  6. 
Collins,  Jn.  8*. 
Combe  (Comb)  Cath.  21  ;  Joan  18; 

Tristram  18,  19. 
Cook,  Chas.  22;  Eliz.  23;  Mary  22, 

23;  Rob.  22,  23. 
Coodney,  Jos.  34. 
Coombes,  Wm.  33. 
Courtney,  Jos.  34,  35*. 
Coventrye,  Mary  13. 
Coward,  Agnes  33. 
Coxe,  Eliz.  18,  35;  John  18*;  Matt. 

35;  Rob.  34. 
Coxe,    Somerset,    alias,   Geo.    18; 

John  18. 
Cozins,  Joan  25. 

Crocker,  Ann  32*^  Jas.  32;Sarah34 
Cross,  John  William  Hugh,  21. 

Dalye,  Alice  1;  John  r. 

Darby,  John  25*,  26,  28;  Mary  25, 

28;  Sam.  25,  28. 
Davison,  John  22;  Mary  22. 
Devoll,  Marg.  10. 
Dewey,  Mich.  9. 
Dowle,    Agnes    1 1 ;    Alexander  2 ; 

Alice  4;    Dor.   7,   14;    Edw,  i; 

Eliz.  9;  Emm.  4;  Joan  3,  5,  20; 

John  3;  Marg.  3;  Ric.  7;  Rob.  3, 

4;  Sus.  8,  18;  Thos.  3,  7*,  8,  9, 

10*,  J I ;  Tobias  2;  Wait,  i ;  Wm. 

1*,  2*,  10,  20. 
Downton,  Betty  34;  Eliz.  30;  Emm. 

10;  John  I,  6,  7,  8*,  9,  10,  II*, 

12*,  13*,  vi.;  Mary  Hodges  34; 

Naih.  11;  Sar.  30J  Thos.  30,  vi. 
Duncan,  Rob.  Jas.  vii.;  Rob.  vii. 
Duncombe,  John  17,  vii. 
Dunham,  Geo.  23. 
Dunning,  Margery  34;  Rob.  34. 
Dyke,  Sar.  24. 

Elsen,  Sarah  36. 

Embris,  Hy.  23, 24, 25, vii;  Rich. vii. 

Emery,  Hy.  20*,  21,  vi. ;  Rich.  vii. 

Everard,  Sylvester  vi. 

Ewyns,  Jos.  17. 

Eye  (or  Yli  or  Yke)  Rob.  vi. 

Farding,  Val.  13. 

Farr  (Farre),  Alice  14;  Emm.  6,  10; 

Hy.  6;  Joan  9. 
Farr,  Reynolds  alias,  Cath.  14;  Ric. 

Ford   (Foard,    Foarde),    EHz.    25; 

Joan  ly,  Rob.  16*,  17*. 
Freeman,  Thos.  vi. 
Freke,  Thos.  24*,  25*;  Wm.  21*, 

22*,  23*,  24*,  25. 
Frogmere,  Steph.  vi. 

Gennings  [Jennings],  Sus.  20;  Thos. 

Gibbs  (Gibbes),  Bridg.  4,  8;  Dor.  5; 
Edith  4 ;  Elean.  7 ;  Geo.  8, 1 3, 1 4* ; 
Grace,  7;  John  4*,  5*,  7,  8.  14; 
Marg.  6, 14;  Rob.  7*, 8*;  Ursu]a8. 

Giles,  Char.  35. 

Gill,  Betty  34;  Eliz.  29;  John  29; 
Han.  29*;  Hy.  29*,  34;  Mary  29. 

Gillome,  Elean.  9. 

Ginre,  Cath.  13. 

Glide,  Mary  20. 

Goldring  (Goldringe,  Golderinge, 
Gooldring,  Gooldryng,  Gould- 
ring),  Alice  19*;  Ann  12;  Francis 
14;  Jas.  12*,  13,  14*,  18*  19*; 
Rich.  33;  Rog.  14;  Sus.  13,  15, 
17,  19;   Wm.  18*. 

Gould,  Chas.  27*,  30*  31*;  Eliz. 
27,  31*;  Jane  27,  31;  John  25, 
26,  27,30;  Love  33;  Mary  27,30; 
Ric.  27*,  30*  31*,  35*. 

Granger,  Ann  27,  28,  31,  34;  Betty 
30;  Geo.  28;  Hy.  29;  Hugh  25*; 
Jas.  29;  Jenny  27,  30;  John  27, 
28;  Marg.  27*,  28*,  29*,3o*,3i; 
Mary  25*,  30;  Rob.  25;  Simon 
27*,  28*  29*,  30*  31,  34*,  35*; 
Thos.  29;  Wm.  28,  29. 

Beei'  Hackett  Register. — Index  Noniinuvi. 


Green,  Ann  29;  Ric.  29*;  Sus.  29*. 

Gregorie,  Rog.  9. 

Guppey,  Const.  16*;  Ric.  16. 

Guye,  Ralph  10. 

Giiyer,  (Gwyer),  Ann  20*,  24;  Cath. 

24*;  Deborah  20*,  21 ;  Ellen  16; 

Joan  20*;  John 2 1*;    Mary  24; 

Ric.  16,  20*,  21*;  Winsor  24*. 

Hannam,  Joan  3;  Jn.  3;  Mary  34. 

Harbin,  Robt.  35*,  36. 

Harman,  Ann,  25. 

Harris  (Harrys),  Alice  2,  3,  10: 
Charity,  16,  19*;  Chas.  25  Chris. 
28;  Edw.  2,  3,  9,  16,  17*,  19* 
20*,  21,  24,  33;  Eliz.  17*,  26,  28 
Fanny  23;  Geo.  3,  8*,  19,  22,  23. 
24*;  Jemima  25*;  John  22 
Louisa  9;  Mary  25;  Ric.  15,  20, 
25,  28,  34;  Sar.  19*,  20*,  21*, 
24;  Sus.  16,  18,  20;  Widow  19 
Wm.  8. 

Harrison,  Joan  9;  Lionel  9. 

Harvey,  Chas.  25. 

Hatkins,  Han.  14;  John  13*,  14. 

Hawkins,  John  i. 

Hay  ward,  Edw.  22. 

Hearn,  Eliz.  16. 

Helyar,  W.  vii. ;  H.  W.  vii. 

Hembury,  Hester  36 

Hicks,  John  27. 

Higgins,  John  35. 

Hill,  Alice  6. 

Himyngame,or  Hinnygame,  Amyas 
I*,  vi. 

Hodges,  Anlh.  6;  Thos.  12* 

HoUoway,  Mary  35. 

Holly,  Rob.  24. 

Hosey,  E.  33*. 

Hoskins,  Elean.  30, 31 ;  John  30,31. 

Hulett,  Sus.  13. 

Hull,  Grace  8,  12;  Thos.  8. 

Hunt,  Daniel  35;  Jas.  19,  34,  35; 
Mary  19;  Wm.  19. 

Hutchings  (Hutchins),  Jasper  12"*^; 
Joan  12,  13  ;  Mary  12. 

Ingelbert,  John  5. 

Jacob,  Joan  23. 

Jeanes,  Grace  34;  John  5;  Ric.  5. 

Jefifery,  Sar.  35;  Thos.  35. 

Jefferyes,  Ric.  vi. 

Jeffris,  Nich.  13,  14. 

Jennings,  see  Gennings. 

Johnson,  Geo.  34. 

Joyce,  Ric.  5  ;  Wm.  5. 

Juskins,  Sar.  19. 

Juxon,  Thos.  12. 

Keat    (Keate,    Keytt),    Elean.  4; 

Emm.  5;  Hy.  5,  6;  Joan  4;  John 

4*,  5*  ;  Phil.  4  ;   Ric.  5. 
Kente,  Sim.  11  ;  Thos.  11,  12. 
Kimpe  (Kymppe),  Agnes  4;  Phil. 

King  (Kinge),  Henj.  28  ;    Eliz.  28  ; 

John  8;  Jos.  26,  28;   I'hos.  28. 
Kingsmill  (Kingsmell),  Sir  John  16; 

Thos.  16. 

Lacy,  Marg.  13. 

Lambeth,  Ann  13. 

Lambert  (Lamberte,  Lambard, 
Lamberd),  Ann.  1 1 ;  Edw.  2,  13*, 
14*  ;  Elean.  5,  14  ;  Isab.  3;  Joan 
5,  14  ;  John  15  ;  Marg.  3,  6,  10  ; 
Thos.  2,  3,  6. 

Lane,  Mary  22. 

Latchmore,  John  3. 

Lester,  Jas.  7. 

Lewys,  Ann  vii. 

Lill,  John  34. 

Linnard,  Sarah  33. 

Loader,  John  T^y,  Joseph  33;  Thus. 

Lodge,  Joan  7,  9;  Jas.  12. 
Lokier,  John  16. 
Long,  Christian  33, 
Luckis,  Arth.  13;  Joan  13;  John  14, 

17;  Ric.  12;  Wm.  12,  13*,  14. 
Lye,  John  1 1. 

Mabar,  Sarah  34. 
Mandefield,  Anth.  22. 
Masson,  Thos.  4. 
i  Mast,  Francis  13. 


Beer  Hackett  Register. — Index  Nominum. 

Masters  (Master),  Ann  i8,  29,  31; 
Betty  26,  28*,  31*,  32*;  Dor.  11; 
Elean.4,  7,  io;Eliz.  3,  5*,  9,  17* 
18,  20,  21,  22,  28,  29,  36;  Francis 
13,  14*;  Geo.  II,  12*,  13,  14,  15, 
18*,  31 ;  Grace  12,  19;  Han  24, 
25'  27,  31.  33>  34;  Hy.  8;  Hester 
n;  fas.  8,  32;  Jane  9,  14,  15; 
Joan  15,  t8;  Johan  2;  John  2, 
4*,  8,  9*,  14,  30;  Jos.  18; 
Magd.  9  ;  Marg.  3,  4*  ;  Mary  13, 
21,25,  27*, 29*, 30*, 35;  Priscilla 
25;  Rach.  28;  Ric.  2;  Rob.  11, 
13,  19,  27*,  28*,  29*,  30*,  31*, 
32*,  35*,  36;  Ruth  30;  Sam.  10,  \ 
15,  18,  26,  27,  29,  30*,  34;  Sar. 
25,  27*  29*,  30*,  34,  36;  Sus.  28, 
31;  Thos.  2,  4*,  8,  9,  10*,  II*, 
20,  24,  25,  26,  27*,  3f,  33*,  34, 
35;  Wm.  3*,  4*,  8,  14,  17*,  1 8, 
20,  21*,  22,  23,  24*,  25,  26,  32. 

Mead,  Lare  34. 

Medlycott,  Thos.  24,  25. 

Melmoth,  Thos.  33. 

Miller  (Millir),  Emm.  6  ;  John  5* 
6*  ;  Lionel  5  ;  Marg.  5  ;  Peter  5  ; 
Wm.  7. 

Millet,  Julian  15. 

Mintern,  Elean.  j6;  John  r6. 

Mitchell,  Eliz.  34. 

Moore  (Moor)  Ann  22  ;  Chris.  3* 
4*;  Edw.  3,  7*  ;  John  4*  ;  Marg. 
3;  Ric.  4*;  Thos.  24,  34*;  Wm. 

3.  5- 
Morrys,  Jas.  5. 
Mows,  Walt.  10. 

Munden,  Ann  20 ;  Gert.  34, 35 ;  Jane 
29*  ;  Jane  Russell  26  ;  John  16, 
19*,  20,  29*,  34,  35*,  vii. ;  Mary 
19*  ;  Sus.  27  ;  Wm.  29,  36*. 

Muirall,  Francis  vi. 

Napper,  Orlando  22. 

Newman,  Alice  7,  9,  12*  ;  Ann  9  ; 

Arth.   17;    Dor.  4;    Edith  2,  5  ; 

Elean.  9,  10,  1 1  ;  Eliz.  30  ;  Emm. 

8,  13;  Geo.  36;  Hy.  3,  7*  8*  9*, 

10*,  1 1,  12*;  Jane  20,  30*;  Joan 

4,  6,  9  ;  John  i,  2*,  3*,  6,  18,  30; 

Marg.  3,  7,  10;  Mart.  9  ;  Mary 
27,  30;  Peter  15,  17*,  18*;  Sus. 
8,  18,  20  ;  Thos.  2*,  6,  7,  9;  Urs. 
7  ;  Walt.  2  ;  Wm.  i,  2*  3*,  8, 
II,  15,  16,  17*,  30*. 

Noak  (Noake),  Agnes  28* ;  Chas. 
22,  23*,  24,  33  ;  Chris.  19;  Edw. 
17,  21,  23,  25,  26*,  28*;  Eliz.  22, 
23*,  24;  John  23,  26,  33;  Martha 
21,  23,  30  ;  Mary  26  ;  Rach.  30*, 
31*;  Ric.  19,  22,  23*,  25,  26, 
30*.  3i»  33*,  35*;  Sam.  19*,  21, 
26*,  28*,  33. 

Notley,  Chas.  35,  36. 

Oliver,  Eliz.  25  ;  Rob.  24. 

Osment,  Jacob  36. 

Osmond,  Ann  32;  Jac.32*;  Jane  32 ; 

Martha  32*. 
Oxtence  (Axtence),  Betty  28;  Mary 

28;  Thos.  28. 

Panter  (Panther),  Ann  2 ;  Cath.  2 ; 

Chas.  18*   19;  Dor.  6;  Edw.  18; 

Edith    7;    Eliz.    6;    Emm.    12; 

Grace  6  ;  Hugh  i,  2*,  5*,  6*,  7*, 

8,  17  ;  Joan  7  ;  John   10;  Marg. 

2,  5,  6,  10,  17  ;  Rob.  8,  15*,  18; 

Sam.  18*;  Thos.  6;  Wm.  i. 
Patten,  Ann  21  ;   Benj.  22*;  Eliz. 

21,  22*;  Jas.  20*,  21,  22*,  23; 

John  22,  23;  Mary  2c,  21*;  Rob. 

18*,  21,  24. 
PauUy,  Mary  35. 
Payn,  Millicent  22. 
Perrott  (Parrott),  Benj.  20;  Chris. 

1 9  ;  Elean.  20* ;  Jonath.  2 1 ;  Jos. 

19,  20*,  21;  Sus.  19,  20. 
Pidle,  Amelia  25*;  Jone33;Rob.  25; 

Thos.  25*,;  Wm.  25. 
Pinker,  Thos.  15*. 
Pomery  (Pomerey,  Pomerye,  Pom- 

mery),  Alice  9;  Ann  14;  Cath.  2; 

Dor.  4;  Elean.  8,  13;   Eliz.  13  ; 

Geo.  9;  Joan  5,  7,  8*;  John  3,  9; 

Jos.  15;  Marg.  6,  9;  Rob.  2,  3*; 

4,  6,  8*,  9*,  10*;  Sam.  3,  6,  7, 

10,  If,  13,  14,   15*,   19;   Thos. 

10,  18;  Wm.  15. 

Beer  Hackett  Register. — Index  Noniinuni. 


Pond,  Greg.  15. 

Poore,  Thos.  12*. 

Pope,  Eliz.  18;  James  vi.;  Ralph 

Potkine,  Ralph  3. 
Pott  (Potte),  Cath.  2  ;  I.  2. 
Potten  Edw.  19;  Jas.  19;  Mary  19. 
Priddle,  Alf.  32  ;  Ann  3 1 ;  Betty  3 1 ; 

Eliz.  31*,  32;  Hy.  31*,  32*   35; 

John  31 ;  Sam.  31. 

Rawsome  (Rawsonne,  Rawsonnes), 
Dor.  3;  Jas.  i;  Marg.  2;  Ric.  3; 
Wm.  I. 

Raynoldes,  alias  Farr,  Cath.  14; 
Ric.   14. 

Rendall,  John  32  ;  Sam.  32. 

Riall  (Royall,  Ryal,  Ryall),  Char. 
29;  Geo.  29*;  Han.  19,  22; 
Haynes  vii. ;  Hen.  vii. ;  Jas. 
19,  20;  John  15;  Josh.  18*,  19*, 
20*,  21;  Marg.  18*;  Ric.  14, 
i5>  i9*>  25;  Sar.  14,  19*,  20*, 
29 ;  Wm.  20. 

Riddle,  Eliz.  33. 

Rowswell,  Thos.  6  ;  Wm.  6. 

Roxby,  Wilfred  vii. 

Royal!,  see  Riall. 

Russell,  George  34. 

Salisbury,  Thos.  35. 

Sampson,  Rob.  33*,  34*,  35*,  vii.* 

Samson  (Samsen),  Alios  35 ;  Ann, 

29,  28*,  29*;  Betty  28;  Eliz.  35; 

Marth.    29 ;    Marg.    28 ;     Thos. 

28*,  29*. 
Sartin,  Wm.  36. 
Saunders,  Eliz.  35;  Geo.  31;  John 

31  ;  Mary  31;  Rob.  5. 
Scott,  Esther  35. 
Shane,  Walt.  9,  10*. 
Shephard,  Mary  19*;  Rob.  19*. 
Sherring,  John  ^y,  Mary  33;  Eliz. 

35;   Juletta  35*. 
Shudde,  Nich.  vi. 
Skeeb,  or  Squeb,  Mary  35. 
Smith  (Smithe),  Hy.  i,  2,  3*,  vi.  ; 

Joan  5  ;  John  34. 
Smynns,  Edith  2. 

Snell,  Agnes  12  ;  Eliz.  11 ;  John  13; 

Martin  10. 
Snook,  Carol.  32 ;  Geo.  35 ;  Mary  32. 
Somerset   (Somersett,   Summerset, 

Summersett),  Geo.  18*;  Jas.  24; 

John  18*,  21,  22;  Ric.  23. 
Somerset     alias    Coxe,    Geo.    18; 

John  18. 
Speed,  Marg.  7, 
Spurle,  Betty  34. 
Spencer,  Susanna  35. 
Squeb,  or  Skeeb,  Mary  35. 
Squib,  Jane  29  ;  Mary  29. 
Squire,  Eliz.  19;  Thos.  19*. 
Stooke,  John  i. 
Stounte,  Thos.  5. 
Strange,  Eliz,  36;  John  32;    Mary 

32  ;  Rob.  32. 
Strode,  Const,  16;  Hugh  vi. ;  John 

8,  16,  17,  vi.,  vii;  Wm.  8. 
Stuclie,  Scipio  9*. 
Summer  (Sumer),  Joan  1 1 . 
Summerset,  see  Somerset. 
Symms  (Symes),  Joan  13;  Mary  19. 

Taylor  (Tayler),  Edw.  28,  29,  30*; 
Eliz,  32;  Harriet  32;  John  2; 
Jos.  28,  30;  Marg.  30  ;  Sus.  28, 
29, 30*;  Thos.  29,32,36;  Wm.  30. 

Thomas,  Bridg.  10;  John  10,  11  ; 
Pet.  II. 

Thome,  Marg.  4. 

Thresher  (Thesher),  John  23;  Luke 
18*   22;  Mary  18;  Wid.  20, 

Tollevill,  Eliz.  35. 

Toop  (Toup),  Ann  Miles  30;  Betty 
3o>  31.  34;  Eliz-  23,  27,  29*, 
30*, 33'  35»  36;  Geo,  27  ;  Jas.  29; 
John  21,  22*,  23,  24*,  25*,  26, 
29*)  3o*»  31.  33.  35.  36 ;  Martha 
36;  Mary  24,  33,  36;  Rob.  22, 
23,  24;  Ruth  21,  22*,  23,  24*, 
25*.  3o>36;  Thos.  22,31,33,30; 
Wm.  21,  24,  25*,  30,  34. 

Topham,  J.  33. 

Tomkyns,  Susanna  34. 

Traske,  Hy.  9;  John  9;  Wm.  8,  9*. 

Trim,  Geo.  35;  Jemima  35. 

Tuck,  Jane  17;  Sar,  23. 


Beer  Hackett  Register. — Index  Loeornui. 

Turke,  Alice  8;  Ann  8,  9;  Ellen  6; 

Wicksted,  J.  H.  22. 

Emm.  9;  Lionel  7*,  8*,  9;  Marg. 

VViffcn,  Gertr.  19*;  Wm.  19. 

10;  Phil.  9;  'I'hos.  7. 

Willmington,  Jos.  35. 

Wills, 17. 

Vivian,  Elean.  20  ;  John  20  ;  'I'hos. 

Wilmot  (Willmott).  Rebec.  24. 


Wolmington    (Wolmyngton,  Wool 

menton,    Woollmenton),     Cath. 

Wadlowe,  Joan  9. 

14;  Dor.  10;  Emm.  11;  Hy.  10; 

Wakeley,  Eliz.  33. 

Hugh  10-"-,  II,  13,  14;  Jane  13, 

Waldron,  Cath.  12. 


Warren,  Benj.  34. 

Woolcott,  Ann  13;  Rob.  13. 

Waters  (Watters),   Edw.   6;  Marg. 

Woolridge  (Woollridge),  Ann  22* 

6;  Ric.  5,  6. 

Chris.  23;    Eliz.  21*;  John  21* 

Watts,   Frances  34;    Rob.    11,  12; 

22*,  24  ;  Marg.  22*. 

Thos.  12. 

Wright  (Write),  Ann  13  ;   Edith  4 

Webber,  Benj.  14*;  Constance  13  : 

Geo.    12*,    13*,    17;  Grace  17 

Elean.  19;   Joan  11;    John  ir', 

ferman  13*;  Marg.  12;   Ric.  4 

12*,  13,  14;  Jos.  14*;  Mary  11: 

l^og.  4*,  5- 

Ric.   II. 

Welman,  Hugh  vii. 

Yeate,  Edm.  11. 

White,  John  18. 

Yli  or  Yke  or  Eye,  Rob.  vi. 

Whittell,  Edw.  5. 

Young,  Hest.  18. 

Snbej:  Xocorum. 

Barwick,  35. 

Beamester  (Bemester,  Bemister), 
16*,  18. 

Beer  Hackett  (Beere  Hackette, 
Beerhacket,  Berehacket  Bear- 
hackett,  Beare  Hagget,  Beei- 
hagard),  i,  13,  15,  16*,  23,  24. 

Bradford  Abbas,  35. 

Buckland,  34. 

Cerne  Abbas,  32,  36. 

Dewlish,  36. 

Evershott,  17. 

Folke  (Foke),  19. 

King's  Eeiiham,  Southampton,  16. 

Knighton  (Knigton),  16,  18*,  19*, 
20*,  25,  34. 

Leigh,  16,  19*,  35. 

Lillington,  33. 

Melbury  Osmond,  n. 

Netherbury,  23. 

Over  Compton,  34. 

Ryme,  16,  19. 

Sandndgehill  Park,  Wilts.,  16. 

Sanford  Orcas,  34. 
j  Shenton  Magna,  co.  Dorset  {sic),  34. 
1  Sherborne,  32*,  ^i},- 
\  Sock,  16. 

Thornford,   16,  17,35*. 

Trent,  35. 

Tybbals  in  Knighton,  19. 

Wallingtons,  Berks.,  16. 

Yeatminster  (Yetminster),  4,    16*, 
18,  34,  35* 

■-.^    DEC.  65 

-^     N.    MANCHES'